
Reclaiming Life: A 30-Day Challenge to Disconnect from Your Phone

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Understanding the Disconnect

In mid-2019, I took a bold step and quit all social media after tuning into a podcast about digital minimalism. I completely deactivated my accounts and spent a year off the grid, which felt incredibly liberating. It was a refreshing experience that I truly cherished.

However, by mid-2020, I found myself lured back into the Instagram world after launching my own business. As we all know, a solid social media presence is essential in today's digital landscape. I gradually reintroduced technology into my life in a mindful way, as advised by the podcast, and it proved beneficial. For instance, I utilized Instagram for news updates, promoting my work, and conducting market research. I believed my relationship with my phone was healthy, and everything seemed fine.

Then, my intern Linda mentioned she was embarking on a 30-day plan to distance herself from her phone. My initial reaction was supportive; after all, many people rely too heavily on their devices nowadays, a realization I had during my year of detox. However, curiosity struck me: was my relationship with my phone as solid as I assumed? With an open mind and no expectations, I decided to join Linda in her challenge and explore where this journey would lead us.

As it turns out, my connection with my phone wasn't as strong as I believed.

This guide was inspired by Catherine Price's book, "How to Break Up with Your Phone: The 30-Day Plan To Take Back Your Life." The book is divided into two sections: the first provides insights into phone addiction, the dangers of social media, and the time we squander on our devices. The second part outlines the 30-day plan we followed, featuring daily activities, tips, and suggested resources to aid us throughout the process.

After just a few days into the plan, I realized how mindlessly I had been using my phone. The boundaries I had established during my detox had faded away.

Section 1.1 Reflecting on Your Relationship with Your Phone

I found myself reaching for my phone without even thinking, frequently unlocking my home screen “just to check” it, and wasting time aimlessly scrolling. I hadn't realized that after reintroducing social media into my life, I had gradually slipped back into my old habits and became increasingly attached to my device.

After attempting to complete the 30-day plan, I want to share five impactful activities that resonated with me, which you can also try. You may be surprised by what you uncover.

Subsection 1.1.1 Journaling Your Phone Usage

Begin by grabbing a notebook and answering these thought-provoking questions:

  • What do you appreciate about your phone?
  • What frustrates you about your phone?
  • How do you feel—both positively and negatively—when you spend extended periods on your phone? Reflect on any changes you've observed since acquiring your smartphone.

Despite running a platform focused on writing for self-reflection and mental health, I found it odd to journal about my phone. Nevertheless, this exercise made me realize how personal our devices truly are. Picking up someone else's phone can feel strange, as if it's an alien object. By taking the time to reflect on my relationship with my phone, I also cultivated a sense of gratitude for its functionality and the opportunities it provides.

Subsection 1.1.2 Decluttering Your Apps

Price categorizes phone apps into six groups: tools (maps, photos, ride-share), junk food apps (social media and news), slot machine apps (dating and shopping games), clutter (unused apps), utility (rarely used but functional; e.g., Find My Phone), and undeletables (apps you can't remove). In summary, the goal is to delete unnecessary apps and limit your home screen to three pages, using folders for organization.

I chose to organize my apps by color, which may not align with Price's recommendations, but after decluttering and reorganizing, I felt a sense of relief from the visual chaos. The satisfaction of a tidy phone interface was rewarding in itself.

My semi color-coded app folders after decluttering.

Section 1.2 Managing Notifications

We all know the temptation to check our phones when a notification pops up. Breaking this habit is crucial: turn off all notifications except for phone calls and, if desired, messages and calendar alerts.

I had previously disabled social media notifications, so I thought it would be easy to adjust the settings for other apps. However, I found it surprisingly challenging to disable email notifications, as my work heavily relies on them. Price suggests creating a list of VIP contacts and allowing notifications only from those individuals—a simple solution!

Chapter 2 Activities for Mindful Engagement

One activity focuses on changing the location where you charge your phone. Many of us check our devices first thing in the morning, which can hinder a peaceful start to the day. Move your phone out of the bedroom and find an alternative charging spot.

This was a challenge for me since I typically use my phone as an alarm clock. You might consider investing in a traditional alarm clock or finding another way to wake up before attempting this change. Personally, I relied on my circadian rhythm, which isn't the most reliable method, but it was refreshing to engage with something other than my phone first thing in the morning.

Another activity called "Trial Separation" involves spending 24 hours without your phone. Choose a weekend, turn off your device, and tuck it away. Price offers advice on how to manage this time, including setting up an automated greeting for calls, using call forwarding, or simply informing others of your plan.

To be honest, I struggled with this activity during a road trip as I needed Google Maps. Although I didn't fully commit to this task, I noticed I was more present in moments without my phone—whether waiting in line or at dinner. While I won't be repeating this challenge anytime soon, I encourage everyone to try it at least once, even if just for part of a day.

Through these five impactful activities, I recognized that no matter how healthy we perceive our relationships with our phones to be, there is always room for improvement. Revisiting our phone usage is akin to a dental checkup—something we should do periodically.

It's important to note that this isn't about eliminating phones from our lives like some celebrities do (looking at you, Ed Sheeran!). Most of us need our devices, as technology and social media are integral to modern living.

Instead of shunning these tools, let's learn to establish healthy habits and become more intentional with our digital interactions. By decluttering our tech and fostering a healthier connection with our phones, we can take charge of our lives and live meaningfully.

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