
Creating Compelling Sci-Fi and Fantasy: Insights from Dante Terese

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Introduction to Compelling Storytelling

Crafting engaging narratives in Science Fiction and Fantasy is no small feat. With these genres commanding immense popularity, what does it take to create stories that resonate with readers today? Authority Magazine has launched a series titled “How To Write Compelling Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories,” featuring insights from authors and experts in the field.

In this series, I had the privilege of interviewing Dante Terese, a vibrant new voice in fiction. Her debut novel, Sex, Death, & Diane, explores the strength of independent thought, while her latest work, The Base - Book 1, immerses readers in a suspenseful exploration of military research, ethical dilemmas, and the intricacies of integrity.

To kick off our interview, I asked Dante to share what initially inspired her to pursue writing over other storytelling mediums.

Dante's Journey into Writing

"I was lucky to have parents who introduced me to books early on and took me to libraries frequently. They encouraged discussions about what I read and urged me to write my own stories. While they enjoyed various forms of storytelling, they limited screen time to foster my imagination. I do appreciate movies and TV now and then, but my daily routine always includes reading."

Character Traits of a Successful Author

As a successful author, I asked Dante about the three character traits she believes contributed most to her achievements, along with examples for each.

  1. Imaginative: "I wanted to craft an entirely different world for readers to escape into. A good book, to me, is like a vacation. I invested significant effort in developing characters and settings in detail, allowing readers to anticipate their actions and visualize scenes vividly."
  2. Humorous: "I constantly seek humor in life. Keeping my spirits high has been crucial, especially during tough times. I made it a priority to weave humor throughout my book, particularly in conflict scenes, where it serves as a release valve."
  3. Diligent: "I commit fully to my projects, resisting the temptation of the easy path. My goal was to create a challenging yet enjoyable reading experience."

Current and Future Projects

Dante shared her exciting ongoing projects and goals.

"I’m currently wrapping up the sequel to The Base — Book 1 and organizing a photoshoot featuring local actors and wartime Jeeps for the cover. My long-term aspiration is to see The Base adapted into film or television, so I’m prioritizing a cover that visualizes the story effectively."

With considerable research, she's secured two historic Jeeps from World War II and the early 1950s, and is sourcing period-appropriate clothing and props for the shoot. She expressed her excitement over finding authentic military items in local thrift stores to enhance the realism of the book cover.

Defining Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Shifting focus, I asked Dante how she defines science fiction and fantasy, and how they differ from speculative fiction.

"For me, sci-fi incorporates scientific elements to establish a unique fictional universe. Speculative fiction, on the other hand, serves as the broader parent genre, encompassing various non-realistic narratives."

The Enduring Appeal of Written Fiction

In our discussion, I pondered why, despite rapid technological advancements, novels continue to thrive, particularly in the realm of sci-fi.

"I think as people become more immersed in technology, they also grow suspicious of it. Our online lives have become an integral part of our relationships, creating a love/hate dynamic with new innovations. This curiosity about technology and the future fuels a desire for stories that explore these themes."

Comparing Reading and Watching Sci-Fi

When discussing the advantages of reading sci-fi over watching it, Dante emphasized the immersive experience of reading.

"When you read, you construct the entire narrative in your mind, creating vivid images of scenes and characters. I enjoy comparing my interpretations with film adaptations later, finding joy in seeing beloved stories come to life."

Influences and Inspirations

I was curious about the authors and artists who inspired her writing journey.

"Some of my influences include Jimmy Carter, Maya Angelou, George Takei, Ray Bradbury, Jesse Norman, Marcus Samuelsson, Paul Stanley, and Anne Frank."

If she had the opportunity to ask her favorite sci-fi author a question, what would it be?

"I would love to discuss the implications of AI with anyone involved in sci-fi and fantasy writing. It's a fascinating topic that opens up numerous possibilities."

Dante's Authorial Voice

Describing her style, Dante shared, "I see myself as a suspenseful author, intertwining themes of good and evil throughout my narratives."

She provided a snippet from The Base — Book 1 that exemplifies her writing:

"The eighth revision was finally perfect. They heaved a sigh of relief; it had been a brutal week of working well into the nights in The Bug Man’s kitchen and then going to the lab all day to work — and pretend to work. They had a boxy fake prototype made from hybrid half biological collagen they kept at the lab now for the spies. If this was removed from the necessary body simulators it would die very quickly and emit an awful rancid odor. They 'worked' on the Impostor drone — as they called it every day so the base commander wouldn’t suspect anything."

Five Essentials for Writing Compelling Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Drawing from her experiences, Dante outlined five key elements necessary for writing captivating sci-fi and fantasy stories:

  1. Research: "Essential for crafting believable content within fantastical narratives."
  2. Details: "Thoroughly define characters and settings to ensure readers visualize what we see as authors."
  3. Challenge Your Audience: "Engage educated readers without talking down to them."
  4. Creativity: "Readers thrive on imaginative worlds; offer them fresh, unconventional storylines."
  5. Consistency: "Ensure that readers can seamlessly re-enter your story, maintaining clarity in character and setting transitions."

A Dream Collaboration

When asked about a person she would love to have a meal with, Dante mentioned Ron Howard, admiring his diverse body of work and commitment to excellence, as well as Shaquille O'Neal for his inspiring journey.

Following Dante's Work

In closing, I expressed gratitude for her insights and wished her continued success in her writing endeavors.

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