
The Reality of Writing in Today's Digital Age

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Chapter 1: The Illusion of Unique Voices

Many articles on platforms like Medium often proclaim, "You are an extraordinary individual, and the world craves your perspective. So, don your comfortable writing attire, brew some cocoa, find your zen space, and let your creativity flow!" However, this article diverges from that narrative.

In truth, the world might not be clamoring for your words. If you were to cease writing today, it’s likely that few would even notice. In fact, I want you to stop writing. This may sound harsh, but we are currently in an era saturated with individuals who consider themselves writers.

Take a moment to reflect on the posts you see. For instance, someone might say, "I joined Medium on May 3, 2024, and I’ve penned a mere 46 words in my entire life! Allow me to share the secrets to becoming a successful writer!" The reality is, you are not a writer.

You may have watched a video online where someone boasted about earning $10,000 monthly by writing on Medium. Now, you’re attempting to strike it rich with articles titled "10 Medium Hacks to Earn $1,000." This approach may yield short-term gains, but it resembles the Kindle Gold Rush phenomenon.

Back in the early 2010s, many authors uploaded their works to Kindle and enjoyed significant sales. Eventually, that wave subsided, leaving 99% of those writers to abandon their craft for more conventional jobs—some became accountants, while others took on roles like Professional Taco Taste Testers (which, by the way, sounds like a dream job).

As a side note, if someone advises you to stop consuming writing advice, it’s likely they’re unfamiliar with the Kindle Gold Rush. Genuine writers strive to absorb as much knowledge about their craft as possible, as writing is a multifaceted and intricate discipline. The key is not to reduce your learning, but to expand it exponentially.

Only 1% of those reading this will still be engaged in writing by 2025. We are the True Writers. My journey of writing online began with Myspace, while yours may have started during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our paths are not the same.

The first video, "Why Some People Want You To Fail," explores the motivations behind why certain individuals may not wish to see you succeed.

Chapter 2: The Pursuit of Authenticity

As we navigate this landscape, it’s essential to understand the importance of authenticity in writing. Rather than chasing trends or attempting to replicate the success of others, focus on honing your unique voice and perspective.

The second video, "People Want You To Fail," delves into the social dynamics that influence our perceptions of success and failure in the writing community.

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