
Insights on My Recent Blood Test Results and Fitness Journey

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Reflections on Health and Fitness

This month marked my annual health check, an event I always look forward to. This year felt particularly significant because I have been putting in a lot of effort to enhance my physical fitness. Thus, I was optimistic that my blood test results, especially concerning cholesterol, would reflect my hard work.

Cholesterol Levels Overview

Currently, my cholesterol level stands at 189. While this isn't catastrophic, it's concerning for me, as it has risen by 10 points from last year, which itself had increased by 20 points from the year prior.

I maintain an active lifestyle, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking and drinking. Moreover, following a vegan diet means I don't consume any dietary cholesterol. Over the past few months, I've ramped up my exercise routine even further.

Regrettably, my HDL, often referred to as "good" cholesterol, has decreased to 43, down from a peak of 46 last year. I have consistently struggled to elevate this number past 40, and now I find it dipping below that threshold.

For those who appreciate the details: my LDL is calculated at 128; my cholesterol/HDL ratio is 4.4; my cholesterol/non-HDL is 146, and my triglycerides are at 98. I had set my sights on achieving better results across all these metrics and genuinely believed I was doing everything possible to reach those goals.

A New Strategy

Time to reassess my approach. I have been pushing myself harder, reaching 80% of my maximum heart rate several times a week while ensuring I spend adequate time in Zone 2 training. Additionally, I am scrutinizing my sugar intake, which remains a potential concern.

To gain deeper insights, I plan to order a comprehensive blood panel that will provide more detailed information than the basic lipid panel typically conducted during a physical examination.

Continuing the Journey

I consider myself a lifelong learner and welcome any ideas or suggestions you might have to help me improve my health metrics further.

Health and fitness progress overview

Chapter 1: Understanding Cholesterol and Its Impact

In this chapter, we will delve deeper into the significance of cholesterol levels and how they affect overall health.

The first video, "Everything You Need to Know About The Recent 189 Visa Rounds!" provides insights into the recent changes in visa regulations and their implications.

Chapter 2: Navigating Your Fitness Journey

This chapter focuses on strategies to enhance physical fitness and health metrics.

The second video, "Your Guide on 189 Skilled Independent Visa Points - Part 1!" offers guidance on navigating the points system for skilled independent visas, critical for those considering migration.

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