
Only A Sith Deals In Absolutes: Lessons from Star Wars

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Chapter 1: The Wisdom of Star Wars

The "Star Wars" saga holds a special place in my heart, much like it does for many others. Although the narrative unfolds in a distant galaxy, it offers valuable lessons that resonate on our own planet. One of my most cherished moments occurs during the epic confrontation between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar in "Revenge of the Sith." Anakin, filled with rage, declares, “If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy.” It is in this moment that Obi-Wan realizes Anakin has succumbed to the dark side and embraced his identity as a Sith Lord. Obi-Wan’s response, “Only a Sith deals in absolutes,” carries profound wisdom that I, as a nine-year-old, failed to grasp, but now understand deeply.

As I've mentioned in previous writings, my fascination with healthcare, longevity, and human performance occupies much of my time. However, I readily admit that there is an immense amount I have yet to learn. In fact, I find myself unable to elucidate most of the physiological processes that continuously operate within our bodies. Throughout my brief experience in the healthcare industry, one critical lesson stands out: there is a far greater realm of the unknown compared to what is known and understood. Over the past century, brilliant scientists have advanced medicine beyond what was once deemed possible. Yet, despite these discoveries, there remains a significant gap in our understanding, particularly concerning the complexities of the human brain. This brings me to an essential point: in a world rife with certainties and absolutes, it’s crucial to ask more questions.

When I peruse my Instagram feed, I inevitably encounter someone proclaiming they’ve uncovered the ULTIMATE diet for weight loss or the ONE solution for enhancing lower-body strength. More often than not, these extravagant claims are motivated by profit or simply propagate misinformation.

Social media claims about diet and fitness

Despite how convincing someone may appear on social media, their expertise on the subject is likely no superior to yours or mine. However, the tendency towards absolutism and exaggerated certainty extends beyond social platforms. Medical professionals, who have earned the title “MD” after rigorous training, sometimes propagate misguided agendas (often financially motivated). While many doctors are commendable, some irresponsibly prescribe medications without discussing alternative solutions and focus more on alleviating symptoms than on addressing root causes or promoting preventive care.

The most effective healthcare providers do not impose treatments on patients but rather educate them about all available options, fostering open and honest conversations. When confronted with absolutism or exaggerated claims—especially in the realm of healthcare—remember that it was Anakin Skywalker, who ultimately succumbed to these very notions, that faced dire consequences while Obi-Wan Kenobi, embodying wisdom, prevailed.

In your journey toward better health and well-being, approach it as a student would. Ask questions, resist the allure of absolutes and overconfidence, seek balance, and embrace the learning process.


Noah Cracknell

Chapter 2: The Dangers of Absolutism

In "The Sith Really Do Deal in Absolutes," we explore the implications of rigid thinking in both the galaxy far, far away and in our everyday lives.

The video "Only A Sith Deals In Absolutes" discusses how the pursuit of certainty can lead to detrimental outcomes in decision-making and health.

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