
Making the Choice to Take a Bold Step Forward Today

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Chapter 1: Embracing Change

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to both new and long-time followers. It's been a while since my last post, and I recently noticed that my follower count has doubled. It seems there are many who appreciate the content I share.

I've embarked on a new podcast titled "Dare to Be Great, Dare to Be You" and am in the process of outlining several upcoming books. Despite these exciting developments, I recognize that I’ve not been as engaged with you, my supporters, as I should be.

As a token of appreciation, I’m offering three chapters from my latest book, Today's the Day. These chapters are both timeless and timely. They resonate universally because we all strive for more in life, especially during this reflective season when many contemplate their goals for the upcoming year or the next few years.

I hope these chapters inspire and motivate you to take bold actions in the new year. If you're serious about making changes, feel free to visit my website: www.shawnlangwell.com. I will soon be providing more opportunities to assist you in realizing your dreams and goals.

For now, I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy these three complimentary chapters of Today's the Day.

Chapter 2: From Dreams to Action

When I released my second book, Ten Seconds of Boldness, several friends reached out to ask how I managed to publish it. They had their own stories to tell but were uncertain about how to begin.

Initially, I was surprised that they sought my advice, considering I had only written two books while my wife had authored many more. However, I realized that I had taken a step they hadn’t; I transitioned from "Someday, I’ll" to "I’m glad I did," and they were looking for guidance to do the same.

While I felt somewhat unqualified to offer help, I decided to inquire about their stories. Each had the foundation of personal narratives about their struggles and transformations but hadn’t fully fleshed out the arcs of their tales. Instead of delving into publishing strategies, I provided basic guidance on story structure, flow, and passion, encouraging them to finish their writings.

Some sought a quick fix to transform their ideas into published books, but the reality is that achieving our "Someday I’ll" aspirations demands dedication, patience, and effort.

We all inherently understand this, yet impatience often leads us to desire immediate results. One of my own "Someday I’ll" dreams is to become a life coach, and to realize it, I must study, practice, and invest time.

One friend sought coaching to develop her narrative. Despite lacking formal training, we decided to meet. After three hours of questions and guidance, I left feeling more capable as a coach. Although she hasn’t resumed her writing yet, she walked away with a renewed belief in her abilities—and I felt the same.

For her, "someday" might not be today, but on that rainy January day, she took a significant step forward by sharing parts of her life she had never revealed before. It was an honor to hear her story; I had known her since high school but had never truly understood her until that moment.

The crux is that we all harbor countless dreams and aspirations—our own "Someday I’ll" wishes. Until we muster the resolve to pursue them earnestly, they will remain tucked away, labeled "Someday, I’ll." They will sit dormant until we decide that today is the day to act.

For now, let those dreams rest without guilt or shame. They will be ready whenever we find the motivation and courage to pursue them. When that moment arrives, we will know, and many professionals will be available to help us focus our dreams and turn them into reality.

Is your "someday" today?

Chapter 3: The Power of Manifestation

How often have you thought or said, "If only..."? What are the common themes in your "if only" thoughts? Examples might include wishing for more time, financial resources, confidence, or a more fulfilling job. How do these thoughts impact your feelings?

Here are some of my own "if only" reflections, some of which I’ve turned into reality. This isn’t a boastful account but rather an illustration of the power of manifestation and effort.

At one point, I thought, "If only I had more money." Eventually, I did have money, which led to other desires: a car, a girlfriend, a wife, a home, and a family. Now, as time passes, I find myself wishing for more hours to write additional books or to have sufficient funds to travel and enjoy life.

Drawing from my experiences in achieving past "if only" aspirations, I believe there’s a strong likelihood I can realize these new wishes too.

What are your "if only" thoughts? More importantly, what would they mean for you if you realized them? As we grow, our desires and motivations evolve. We often shift from selfish ambitions to a focus on serving others. Material wealth and status lose their charm as we come to appreciate the finite nature of time.

Instead, many of us seek meaningful experiences, deeper relationships, and quality moments with loved ones. These pursuits nurture our passion for living rich, fulfilling lives, where we connect, experience, and love more profoundly. Transitioning our "if only" thoughts into cherished memories enhances our lives immeasurably.

So I ask again: what are your "if only" thoughts, and when will you begin transforming them into lasting memories?

Chapter 4: Breaking Free from Self-Doubt

As mentioned earlier, many of us grapple with low self-esteem and confidence. Fear often inhibits us from achieving our dreams and fully experiencing a meaningful life. We find ourselves stuck in a barren desert of doubt and indecision, yearning for clarity but feeling lost amid shifting sands.

Though we may not be physically lost, we wander without direction, listening to the internal voices that tell us we can’t rather than seeking the encouragement that says we can. We internalize the belief that we aren’t smart enough or brave enough to break free from our limitations.

Rather than risking our pride or facing our fears, we often succumb to perfectionism, giving up before we’ve even begun. We let the voice of self-doubt prevail, settling for mediocrity and ultimately facing a life filled with regret—full of "I wish I would have" and "if only" sentiments.

To me, that isn’t living; it’s a sentence of self-imposed confinement in a prison built on fear. We have the key to our freedom, yet we frequently choose not to use it.

Freedom is within our reach, yet like a circus elephant tethered by a flimsy rope, we remain bound by the belief that we cannot break free. It may seem absurd, but this is a common experience. We either lack the tools to alter our mindset or have yet to cultivate the discipline to implement gradual changes.

The solutions we seek often lie closer than we think. By examining our experiences, we may recognize that everything we’ve been searching for resides within us—in our minds and souls. We just need to learn to listen to our inner voices and build trust in ourselves.

Indeed, we can transform our thoughts and reactions to our inner critics. While it’s challenging and requires courage and persistence, the benefits of developing a healthier mindset are invaluable.

I can speak to this with conviction because I have gone through the ups and downs of life and will continue to navigate this journey. Life is a series of challenges that provide opportunities for growth.

Each struggle—every fear, disappointment, and unmet expectation—has been a lesson presenting me with a choice: accept what I can’t change or muster the courage to transform what I can.

Finding new solutions is a lifelong journey. For the past forty years, I’ve learned to remain calm amidst chaos, recognizing the significance of nurturing a positive, forward-focused mindset. I practice the five key principles I outlined in Ten Seconds of Boldness:

  1. Identify the problem or opportunity
  2. Clearly decide what you want
  3. Know why you want it
  4. Write a clear plan
  5. Start executing that plan

This five-step approach serves as a guide for addressing virtually any challenge I encounter. Since writing that book, I’m more attuned to my feelings as I continue to combat negative self-talk. While I doubt my inner critics will ever fully disappear, I feel more empowered to manage them when they arise.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into the insights presented in this book and haven’t yet read Ten Seconds of Boldness, I encourage you to do so. It can significantly impact your life trajectory, just as it has for me and many others who have read it—some multiple times.

Follow, connect, comment, and share your thoughts. If you seek additional encouragement and motivation, consider signing up for my newsletter and following me on Medium or social media.

As I reflect on life, I recognize how fleeting our time on this planet is. By connecting and sharing our experiences, we increase our chances of living happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

Here’s to your success, however you define it.

Love, Shawn

In this video, "What's Next for You? (Or, How to Be More Bold)," the speaker discusses the importance of taking bold steps and exploring your potential.

The video "One Bold Move a Day with Shanna Hocking" encourages viewers to make daily courageous decisions that can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

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