
Your Journey to Success: Embrace the Process Over the Outcome

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Chapter 1: The Importance of the Journey

It's crucial to engage in activities for the joy of the process rather than solely for their outcomes.

A journey of growth and discovery

At 18, I aspired to be a DJ. The allure was undeniable; DJs captivated audiences at parties and earned substantial income by spinning records. I envisioned myself stepping out of a luxury vehicle, music in hand, greeted by adoring fans after performing my latest track. It seemed like an ideal life.

I dove into DJing, mastering mixing techniques, and even took on a few local gigs. Ultimately, the dream of a DJ career faded. I discovered that I disliked the nightlife and the superficial status associated with it. Reflecting on that time, I recognized that I had fixated on the tangible rewards of being a DJ—being admired, achieving fame, and accumulating wealth.

As a teenager, I was naive. A significant reason I didn’t succeed as a DJ was my focus on potential outcomes rather than the enjoyment of the process itself.

Ask Yourself: Do You Enjoy the Journey?

Seneca wisely remarked, "The greatest wealth is a poverty of desires." Living a more fulfilling life can be easier when we minimize our wants. However, there exists a delicate balance between desiring less and lacking ambition.

If you’re engaging with this content, it’s likely that you’re not lacking ambition. You seek to enhance your life, be it through adopting better habits, increasing wealth, or expanding knowledge.

To me, Seneca’s true message is about wanting what matters to you. If you were to live solely for yourself, what kind of life would you choose?

We live in a consumer-driven society, inundated with messages—both subtle and overt—about what constitutes a "good life."

  • "Purchase this car, and everyone will recognize your success."
  • "If you can’t afford this vacation deal, you’re a failure!"
  • "Your home looks dull? Buy this DIY cabinet set to impress your friends!"
  • "Download this game and escape into a fantasy world!"

Daily, we are bombarded with such messages, leading many to desire things that may not truly bring happiness. Wanting something without enjoying the journey to obtain it is futile. Pursuing a goal without appreciating the process can lead to disappointment.

Good Habits Require Enjoyment to Stick

Many aspire to be fit—some desire a toned physique, while others seek strength or stamina. However, achieving fitness goals becomes challenging when the focus is solely on the outcome. My writing associate, John, shared a story about a friend who aimed to enhance their fitness by hitting the gym. This friend had a predictable pattern: they would attend the gym diligently for a few weeks, then gradually slack off, ultimately stopping altogether due to life's demands.

The outcome? They ended up gaining weight after months of inactivity, and guilt set in, prompting a cycle that repeated itself. The crux is that we often procrastinate on good habits we dislike. Staying motivated is difficult when the activities feel like a chore.

Enduring Tough Times Requires Passion

Challenges are inevitable. When I embarked on my writing career, it took around three years of consistent effort before my blog gained significant traction. I penned hundreds of articles, writing and editing almost daily. There were days when I lacked the motivation to write or faced negative feedback on pieces I had invested considerable time in. Yet, I persevered.

In contrast, the superficial rewards of DJing—like looking trendy or earning money—were insufficient to motivate me through the challenges of nightlife or the creative process.

I began blogging on Medium in 2015—eight years ago. Many writers have come and gone during this time. Some stayed for a few months or years but eventually left, likely because the platform didn’t align with their personal goals, or their motivation was rooted in external factors that didn’t resonate deeply.

Difficult times will arise in any career. Without a genuine enjoyment of the journey, quitting becomes a likely outcome.

Chapter 2: The Value of Enjoying the Journey

The first video, "WHY THE JOURNEY MATTERS MORE THAN THE DESTINATION | John R. Miles," highlights the significance of focusing on the process rather than just the outcome. It encourages viewers to appreciate the growth and lessons learned along the way.

The second video, "Enjoy the JOURNEY, NOT the DESTINATION | Path to SUCCESS," emphasizes the importance of embracing the journey towards success. It provides insights on how to find joy in the process of achieving your goals.

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