
AI's Role in Writing: A Human-Centric Perspective

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The Evolution of AI in Writing

In discussions about AI's role in writing, particularly on Medium, a pivotal question arises: How do we classify AI-generated content?

Typewriters for the Digital Age

Unless your article was crafted on a typewriter, scanned, and submitted directly, it's likely that some form of AI assisted in its creation. Personally, I appreciate tools like Grammarly; it checks spelling, offers suggestions for clarity, and modifies my phrasing. While I occasionally accept its recommendations, I often prefer my own style. This raises an intriguing question: if I implement a suggestion from Grammarly, is that content considered AI-generated? Technically, yes. However, in practice, the answer is nuanced. I retain creative control over my work. What distinguishes a human proofreader from Grammarly? The latter is always available, while human proofreaders need rest.

The Art of Dictation

I recently discovered a strategy for generating content using the speech-to-text feature found in ChatGPT or similar language models. After converting my dictation, I employ a chat prompt that outlines the parameters for refining my text. I then paste the transcribed speech and allow the AI to enhance it.

The Chat Prompt

Here's an example of the prompt I use:

You are a professional ghostwriter aiming to improve the writing quality of the text I will provide.

Please ensure to: - Correct spelling and grammar - Enhance clarity and conciseness of sentences - Maintain a reading level suitable for fifth graders (mandatory) - Break up long sentences - Improve overall quality using contractions, transition words, interjections, and dangling modifiers - Minimize redundancy - When substituting words, ensure they are not more complex than the originals - If the text includes quotes, reproduce them exactly - Preserve the original meaning of the text - Retain all markdown formatting, such as headers, bullet points, and checkboxes - Avoid overly formal language

TEXT: AI-Checking Tools -------------------------------------

The outcome generated is indeed AI-driven, rooted in my thoughts. As the human contributor, I review the generated content, adapt it to my voice, and make necessary adjustments, infusing it with my unique touch.

However, concerns arise when organizations or subscriptions utilize AI-checking tools on my text.

For a brief exploration of this topic, I recommend my concise piece titled "Short. Sweet. Valuable."

Understanding Tools: The Human Element

Ultimately, the effectiveness of any tool hinges on the user's understanding of its limitations. When users lack awareness of these shortcomings, challenges often follow. False positives can frequently mislead those who rely on tools without scrutiny.

In conclusion, it should always be a human who interprets the results generated by any tool.

A Personal Anecdote

I once faced a ban from Facebook advertising due to an automated tool flagging my content as a policy violation. When I reached out to Facebook representatives for clarity, they could not specify the exact policy I supposedly breached. Their standard response was that their automated system determined I had violated some advertising rules without providing details.

Imagine being pulled over by an officer who issues a ticket without citing the specific law you broke. Would a court penalize you for an unnamed infraction?

AI and Human Collaboration in Writing

Chapter 2: AI's Influence on Content Creation

This video explores how AI won't replace humans but rather enhance their capabilities, emphasizing the synergy between AI tools and human creativity.

In this video, the speaker discusses why AI is not a replacement for human talent, reinforcing that human insight and creativity remain irreplaceable.

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