
# Reflections from a 40-Year-Old to My 20-Year-Old Self

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Chapter 1: Life Lessons

As I approach my 40th birthday, I find myself reflecting on the past decade and the two decades since I was 20. If I could sit down with my 20-year-old self today, here’s the guidance I would offer, listed without any particular order:


  • The most important task in your life is to truly understand yourself.
  • Begin to view every event in your life as a step toward your growth.
  • It's sometimes acceptable to tell a little white lie.
  • The questions you ask often hold more significance than the answers. Strive to inquire more thoughtfully.
  • Love is profoundly important, even if you’re not fully aware of it yet. Expressing "I love you," recognizing love, and experiencing genuine affection all have deep meaning.
  • Remember, those who are hurt tend to hurt others, but that’s no justification. They have the power to change their behavior.
  • Seek therapy when needed.


  • It’s perfectly fine to refuse requests without having to explain yourself.
  • Separate your self-esteem from your job.
  • Understand that wanting to be an exception doesn’t make you one.
  • You don’t need to prove you are correct; sometimes, just knowing it suffices.
  • People are less concerned about your appearance than you think.
  • Enjoy the foods that make you happy, and do so guilt-free.
  • Exercise whenever you can; even ten minutes counts.
  • Don’t feel shy about speaking other languages; others aren’t judging you.
  • Most people are preoccupied with their own thoughts, not yours.
  • Making others feel inferior won’t enhance your self-worth.
  • It’s acceptable to remain neutral on certain topics.
  • Volume doesn’t equate to value; your opinion holds no more weight just because you shout it.
  • Invest in a quality pillow for better sleep.
  • You’re not rooted in place; take charge of your life and make changes when necessary.
  • Being a hypocrite is preferable to stagnation.


  • Waiting is a form of action.
  • Learn to appreciate the flow of time.
  • Take five minutes to pause before reacting to significant events; this brief moment can provide clarity.


  • Choose your ideas wisely.
  • A sustainable business is far better than a poorly funded venture.
  • Recognize that quitting can be a valid choice.
  • Sometimes what’s truly meaningful doesn’t pay, and what pays may lack significance.
  • There’s more to existence than just entrepreneurship.


  • Recent achievements will never feel like enough; they merely set the stage for your next goal.
  • Don’t passively accept others' definitions of success as your own.
  • Success is a personal journey, not a communal one.
  • It’s multidimensional; while money matters, it’s not the sole measure. True happiness defines success.


  • Accept that failure is likely in many pursuits, and that’s okay.
  • Care enough to take risks, even if they lead to failure.
  • The only true failure is the refusal to try.


  • Embrace being wrong; it’s an opportunity for growth.
  • Apologize swiftly and sincerely; the longer you wait, the harder it becomes.
  • Apologizing doesn’t mean losing power; it signifies regaining control.
  • Sometimes, others may make you feel incorrect even when you are right.


  • Not all substances are equal; some are harmful, while others can lead to positive change.
  • Alcohol is detrimental; it’s best to avoid it.
  • The impact of drugs varies from person to person.
  • Drugs can only control you if you allow them to. As my grandfather used to say, "Drink the drink, don’t let the drink drink you."
  • If you choose to buy drugs (which I do not recommend), remember that quality is vital.


  • You truly can choose your family.
  • Biological ties don’t grant relatives perpetual access to your life.
  • You + her = family.


  • Many of your current friends may not be the best influences, and that’s okay for now.
  • Cut ties with toxic relationships sooner rather than later.
  • Engage in hobbies that foster friendships; making connections gets harder with age.
  • Having a best friend is essential, as is being one.
  • It’s alright if you’re not your best friend's top choice.


  • Holding onto your money too tightly can hinder your ability to make more.
  • Save at least 10% of your monthly income, for your future's sake.
  • Prioritize spending on experiences over material possessions.
  • If you believe in an idea, invest in it wholeheartedly or not at all.


  • Relocate to a different country sooner; your true home isn’t where you were born.
  • Frequently moving can be beneficial, teaching you to appreciate simplicity.
  • Travel for enjoyment; it’s crucial for your happiness.
  • Snowboarding brings you peace; do it more often.
  • Take trips alone and also with her.


  • Finding her will be the best thing for you, even if you’re unaware now.
  • She will become the most significant person in your life; don’t jeopardize that.
  • Healthy relationships will have challenging days, but too many can be detrimental.
  • Prioritize kindness toward her over criticism.
  • Always choose her first; if you can’t, reconsider the relationship.


  • Plan for the long term, think in years, work in months, and live in the present.
  • Don’t be overly precious with new belongings; use them freely and don’t fear damage.
  • Ignore unsolicited advice or rules; what works for others might not suit you (even the 40-year-old me).

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