
Preparing for the Camino: Essential Steps for a Memorable Journey

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Chapter 1: Introduction to the Camino

Earlier this year, I embarked on the incredible journey of walking the Camino de Santiago, an experience that profoundly impacted my life. It allowed me to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with myself while traversing the beautiful landscapes of Spain. However, I’ve previously shared my reflections on the journey itself.

The key to truly enjoying the Camino was the thorough preparation I undertook before setting off. By getting both physically and mentally ready, I could immerse myself fully in the experience rather than being bogged down by minor discomforts along the way.

While I’m here to share my personal approach to preparation, I want to emphasize that this is simply my experience, not a prescriptive training regimen. Much like my reflections on completing the London Marathon, this is how I prepared—not a definitive guide for everyone. If you seek a strict “must-do” list before walking the Camino, you might find various resources online, including YouTube.

Ultimately, it’s your journey, and you should prepare in whatever manner suits you best. There’s no right or wrong way to approach this; take from my advice what you will.

Section 1.1: My Previous Experiences

The Camino wasn’t my first lengthy trek. In 2006, I walked from John O’Groats to Land’s End, and while that experience helped me prepare for the Camino, I also learned from the mistakes I made then. I overpacked, dealt with various minor injuries, and ended up so sore that I struggled to walk for a week post-journey. Although the Camino Frances is shorter, I was sixteen years older and recognized the need for better preparation this time around.

Spoiler Alert: I succeeded! My backpack felt light, and I only developed two blisters throughout the entire trip. Here’s a snapshot of me in Santiago, illustrating that preparation doesn’t mean achieving peak physical condition beforehand:

A satisfied traveler in Santiago after completing the Camino

Section 1.2: The Heart of My Preparation

What was the cornerstone of my preparation? You might be surprised: it was simply walking. Yes, I trained for a long walk by… walking! This simple action can significantly benefit your preparation for the Camino.

Many who haven't done the Camino may misunderstand it; at its core, it is a long walk—not an extreme hike, a rugged scramble, or a deep wilderness expedition. The Camino isn’t comparable to the Appalachian Trail or the trek to Everest Base Camp. It’s a well-trodden path designed over centuries for pilgrims traveling to Santiago on foot. The challenging sections arise not from deliberate design but from the necessity of the terrain.

Scenic view along the Camino trail

Section 1.3: Building Endurance

The key to successfully walking the Camino lies in two main areas: building the ability to cover long distances and developing the stamina to keep going. The good news? Focusing on one aspect naturally enhances the other. Regular walking—preferably every day—is essential.

The Camino consists of numerous walks over days, weeks, or longer, depending on your schedule and starting point. Most fellow pilgrims I met took only a couple of rest days, even when walking all the way from Saint-Jean to Santiago.

My training involved gradually increasing my walking distance while emphasizing daily walks. In 2006, I often took days off between long walks, leaving me unaccustomed to consecutive days of walking. By adopting a daily routine, I conditioned my body for the demands of the Camino. Initially challenging, I soon adapted, and my body followed suit. I aimed for one to two hours of walking each day, sufficient to establish a rhythm.

Daily walking also made recovery a priority. Instead of assuming my muscles and joints would recover with mere rest, I dedicated time to stretching properly.

Section 2: Understanding Your Body

I’ve never been the most flexible individual, and my experience after the Land’s End trek taught me the importance of regular stretching. To aid my flexibility, I invested in a yoga mat and, based on a friend's recommendation, explored "Stiff Guy Yoga." This resource was instrumental in teaching me effective stretches and how to listen to my body.

This preparation was as much about learning as it was about physical training. I developed awareness of my energy levels, understanding when I could push for a longer walk or needed a shorter one. Recognizing potential issues in my muscles or joints before they became significant problems was key.

A scenic path leading up to a breathtaking view

Chapter 3: Practical Considerations

Another crucial aspect of preparing for the Camino involves what you wear and carry. Daily walks allowed me to identify the most comfortable clothing and gear: which tops provided warmth, which shirts managed sweat, and which socks and shoes worked best for long distances.

A mantra I learned from running is “nothing new on race day.” This principle means testing your gear beforehand to avoid surprises during your journey. By walking regularly, I discovered what worked best for me and how much weight I could comfortably carry.

Preparing physically also has mental benefits. Establishing a walking routine helps you utilize your time on the Camino for contemplation. It minimizes distractions from ill-fitting clothing or uncomfortable footwear, allowing you to savor the scenery and engage in conversations with fellow travelers.

Preparation also helps you gauge your pace and how you handle different terrains. Using apps or fitness trackers can provide insights into your walking speed, helping you estimate travel times on the Camino.

While I may have taken considerable time to convey the importance of walking in preparation, I hope you gleaned more from this. By focusing on how you walk, you can relax and fully embrace the journey.

One last tip: if you’re planning to walk the Camino, consider learning some basic Spanish. While fluency isn’t necessary, understanding signs, menus, and local conversations enhances your experience and helps you connect more deeply with your surroundings.

Thank you for reading! If you’re interested in following my writing journey, connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or subscribe to my posts below. If you'd like to support me, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to Medium for full access to my work and that of other writers.

Chapter 4: Preparing for the Camino with Video Guides

In this video, "Preparing for the Camino de Santiago: Free Packing List in the Description," you'll find a comprehensive packing guide to ensure you have everything you need for your journey.

Learn how to physically prepare for the Camino with this helpful video, "How to prepare physically for Camino de Santiago," which outlines essential exercises and tips for a successful trek.

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