
From 25,000 to 50,000 Followers: My Medium Growth Journey

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Chapter 1: My Rapid Growth on Medium

In a surprising twist, I've been attracting over 300 new followers daily. It's exhilarating! After struggling for two and a half years to gather my initial 1,000 followers, I now manage to gain that number every few days. Starting this year with 25,000 followers, I've successfully reached 50,000 in just over four months.

Random photo reflecting my writing journey

My audience growth has been astonishing, particularly in March and April.

Here's the strategy behind my success: I've committed to an unwavering writing routine.

Section 1.1: My Writing Routine

Every morning, I dedicate 1-2 hours to writing, during which I typically complete a draft of one article. My routine includes:

  • Daily journaling about my recent experiences and lessons learned.
  • Analyzing successful articles and headlines.
  • Committing to publish at least three pieces each week.
  • Reading a book every week.

I've adhered to this schedule for the past two to three years.

A Note on Flexibility

I acknowledge that my circumstances are unique. Without family or pets, my time is entirely my own. I often rise at 5 AM and prioritize writing above social activities. This obsession has made a positive impact on my mental health.

However, you don't need to mirror my schedule exactly. Tailor your efforts to fit your lifestyle. If you can only spare 10-20 minutes daily or publish one article weekly, that’s perfectly acceptable. You’ll be amazed at the progress small, consistent efforts can yield.

Section 1.2: Embracing Everyday Experiences

I draw inspiration from various aspects of my life:

  • My day job
  • Travel adventures
  • Books, podcasts, and YouTube content
  • Conversations with friends and family
  • The challenges of being a part-time entrepreneur

Writing becomes an extension of my life experiences. I express my genuine feelings and observations, transforming them into compelling narratives.

To illustrate, I've shared stories about my initial business struggles, a harrowing experience in Cambodia, and insightful encounters with fellow entrepreneurs.

Chapter 2: The Role of Emotion in Writing

Emotion is essential in writing. Initially, I struggled with vulnerability, believing I had to present a flawless image. This mindset stifled my creativity and made it difficult to connect with readers. Authenticity fosters trust, and trust builds an audience.

People may disagree with my views, but they recognize my honesty. I've penned articles that no longer resonate with me, yet they accurately reflected my thoughts at the time.

Instead of focusing solely on your struggles, share the lessons learned along the way. Offer insights without dwelling excessively on the pain.

The first video titled I Gained 1,603 Medium Followers in One Month Doing These 2 Things discusses actionable strategies to enhance your Medium following.

Section 2.1: Connecting with Others

Writing can feel isolating, but it doesn’t have to be a lonely endeavor. For too long, I worked in solitude, leading to burnout. Joining a community of creators has been transformative.

Connection combats feelings of overwhelm. Whenever I consider giving up, my fellow writers uplift me. Having a supportive network is crucial for sustaining long-term progress.

As I’ve advanced in my writing journey, I’ve had to distance myself from some relationships that no longer serve me. Surrounding myself with forward-thinking individuals inspires motivation and growth.

The second video, How To Gain Your First 100+ Followers on Medium, offers practical tips for those starting their journey on Medium.

Chapter 3: Accepting the Journey of Growth

Growth, no matter its scale, comes with challenges. Often, the hardest part is taking that first step. I frequently wrestle with self-doubt and anxiety about the future.

If you're eager to elevate your Medium presence, remember to:

  • Stay consistent.
  • Utilize every experience for writing inspiration.
  • Infuse emotion into your work.
  • Seek community support.

Finally, embrace the fact that growth often requires sacrifice. Letting go of certain aspects of your past is part of the journey.

Grab your FREE copy of my NEW one-person workbook (and mini-course) — How To Start Your Next Six-Figure One-Person Business In Six Easy Questions.

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