
Maximize Your Influence: A 5-Step Guide to Multi-Platform Success

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In 2022, relying on a single platform for your content is a risky move.

Consider the following risks:

  • Algorithms can shift unexpectedly.
  • Your account might face a shadow ban.
  • You could be temporarily or permanently banned, resulting in the loss of your hard-earned audience.

The solution? Establish your presence across various platforms to maintain control over your audience.

However, as a creator, managing content for multiple platforms can be overwhelming.

Don't worry; I have a solution.

Since 2014, I’ve been writing online and began treating it as a business in 2020. Here’s my 5-step framework (with examples) to thrive across five platforms. If you’re a creator or a small business owner, continue reading. You can adapt this framework to suit your needs.

# 1. Share Spontaneous Thoughts on Twitter

Don't overthink it. When an interesting idea hits you, draft a Tweet and hit “Publish.”

Benefits of tweeting include:

  • Twitter boasts 206 million daily users, primarily aged 25–34, offering immense potential for virality.
  • Crafting a Tweet takes about 1-10 minutes, yet the impact can be substantial if framed well.
  • Condensing your ideas into 280 characters challenges you to refine your thoughts and focus on the essence.
  • The average lifespan of a Tweet is 24 minutes, meaning it’s easy to receive significant engagement shortly after posting.

Here’s a Tweet I shared recently while developing my first info product.

# 2. Transform Successful Tweets into LinkedIn Posts

If a Tweet garners over 10 likes, it’s worth expanding into a LinkedIn post of around 3000 characters.

Advantages of LinkedIn include:

  • With 740 million members, LinkedIn is the go-to social media for professionals.
  • Almost half of LinkedIn users earn over $75,000 annually, indicating a higher purchasing power.
  • It’s a great platform for building your personal brand and attracting potential high-paying clients.

Here’s an example of a LinkedIn post derived from the Tweet mentioned earlier.

If you’re unsure how to begin on LinkedIn, consider this checklist for dominating the platform.

# 3. Combine Several Posts into a Comprehensive Article

When you have 3 or more LinkedIn posts on a similar topic, compile them, add an engaging introduction, and create a full-length article. I publish these on Medium, but feel free to use any platform, including your own blog.

Benefits of writing on Medium include:

  • Medium attracts 60 million readers monthly, making it an excellent site for long-form content.
  • If you're in one of the 33 countries eligible for the Medium Partner Program, you can earn based on how many minutes your article is read.
  • Medium has a high domain authority of 95, ensuring excellent visibility for your posts on Google.

Here’s an example of three related LinkedIn posts I merged into a Medium article:

# 4. Convert Your Article into a YouTube Video Script

Among all the social media platforms, I find YouTube the toughest to break into. However, I’ve consistently focused on it since 2020 and continue to invest my efforts there.

The next step after preparing your Medium article is to adapt it into a script for a YouTube video.

Benefits of establishing a presence on YouTube include:

  • YouTube is the second-largest search engine, with over two billion logged-in users each month.
  • It’s the second-most popular social platform after Facebook.
  • The platform has incredible content discoverability, with 90% of consumers discovering new products and services daily through YouTube.
  • Videos frequently appear in Google search results, enhancing your visibility.

Here’s how I transformed one of my popular Medium articles into a YouTube video:

# 5. Send a Newsletter to Your Subscribers

Next, send a newsletter linking to your YouTube video. This not only keeps your articles alive on another platform but also helps build your personal brand with high-quality newsletters.

Benefits of having a newsletter include:

  • Emails provide a more personalized connection than articles or social media posts, allowing for a deeper relationship with your readers.
  • Your content goes directly to subscribers' inboxes, bypassing algorithm dependencies.
  • Regardless of platform changes, you maintain ownership of your audience.

Here’s an example of how I repurposed a successful Medium article into a newsletter issue:

# Final Thoughts

Being active on multiple platforms can significantly enhance your personal branding efforts.

As of February 2022, I have a solid following across Quora, Medium, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and I publish two weekly newsletters.

Combined, my follower count exceeds 130,000. The credibility this brings is remarkable, and I still feel like my journey is just beginning.

For creators aspiring to build a strong personal brand, here’s my 5-step framework to succeed on five platforms:

  1. Share spontaneous thoughts on Twitter.
  2. Expand high-performing Tweets into LinkedIn posts.
  3. Combine several posts into a Medium article.
  4. Adapt the article into a YouTube video script.
  5. Send a newsletter to your subscribers.

What would you add to this list? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Want to succeed as a freelancer but struggling to find quality clients? Check out my 90-day guide to securing your first high-paying freelance client, complete with pitching secrets, email templates, and a solid framework to kickstart your freelancing career.

Additional Resources

  • Three Freelancing Lessons I Learned the Hard Way

    Discover how to avoid the mistakes I made.


  • 3 Skills You Need to Be a Successful Freelancer (Apart From Writing)

    Stand out from the crowd and create a lasting legacy.


  • 3 Freelancing Mistakes That Cost Me $1000+ (And How to Avoid Them)

    #2 is where many new writers trip up.


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