
Efficient Routing of Spring Transactions to Master and Slave Nodes

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Transaction Routing

As projects expand, there may arise a necessity to direct read requests to a secondary (slave) node. Thankfully, this can be accomplished in Spring using the @Transactional annotation along with some configuration.

Section 1.1: Defining Node Types

To start, we need to categorize our nodes. In this context, we will have two types: master and slave. However, this categorization can be expanded if separate connection pools are required for rapid and prolonged queries.

public enum DatabaseNodeType {




Next, we need to create a context holder to track which transaction is active in a specific thread. Later, we will configure an interceptor that inspects the parameters of the @Transactional annotation and assigns the correct node type.

public final class DatabaseContextHolder {

private static final ThreadLocal<DatabaseNodeType> CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<>();

private DatabaseContextHolder() {

throw new UnsupportedOperationException(DatabaseContextHolder.class.getSimpleName() + " cannot be instantiated");


public static void set(DatabaseNodeType databaseNodeType) {



public static DatabaseNodeType getEnvironment() {

return CONTEXT.get();


public static void reset() {




Section 1.2: Utilizing AbstractRoutingDataSource

The AbstractRoutingDataSource plays a crucial role in our approach. We need to override the determineCurrentLookupKey method to return a value from our context holder. This will determine which data source is used when a transaction is initiated.

public class MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {


protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {

return DatabaseContextHolder.getEnvironment();



Following this, we must define our data source beans and set MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource as the primary data source that utilizes the correct node type.


public class JpaRepositoryConfiguration {

public static final String MASTER_DATA_SOURCE = "MASTER_DATA_SOURCE";

public static final String SLAVE_DATA_SOURCE = "SLAVE_DATA_SOURCE";



public DataSource dataSource() {

MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource masterSlaveRoutingDataSource = new MasterSlaveRoutingDataSource();

Map<DatabaseNodeType, DataSource> targetDataSources = new HashMap<>();

targetDataSources.put(DatabaseNodeType.MASTER, masterDataSource());

targetDataSources.put(DatabaseNodeType.SLAVE, slaveDataSource());



return masterSlaveRoutingDataSource;



@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "datasource.master")

public DataSource masterDataSource() {

return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();



@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "datasource.slave")

public DataSource slaveDataSource() {

return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();



Chapter 2: Managing Transaction Context

All that remains is to set the appropriate key in the context holder when a transaction begins. There are several methods to achieve this.

Section 2.1: Using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)

The following aspect intercepts invocations marked with @Transactional that are either in the com.mvpotter package or its sub-packages, or annotated with @Repository. It’s essential to reset the context after the method execution to avoid issues with reused threads.




public class TransactionAspect {

@Around("(within(com.mvpotter.*) || @annotation(org.springframework.stereotype.Repository)) && @annotation(transactional)")

public Object proceed(ProceedingJoinPoint proceedingJoinPoint, Transactional transactional) throws Throwable {

try {

if (transactional.readOnly()) {


} else {



return proceedingJoinPoint.proceed();

} finally {





Section 2.2: Creating a Wrapper for PlatformTransactionManager

We can also wrap the PlatformTransactionManager and update the context holder's value when a transaction is initiated.

public class ReplicaAwareTransactionManager implements PlatformTransactionManager {

private final PlatformTransactionManager wrapped;

public ReplicaAwareTransactionManager(final PlatformTransactionManager wrapped) {

this.wrapped = wrapped;



public TransactionStatus getTransaction(TransactionDefinition definition) {

if (definition != null && definition.isReadOnly()) {


} else {



try {

return wrapped.getTransaction(definition);

} finally {





public void commit(TransactionStatus status) throws TransactionException {




public void rollback(TransactionStatus status) throws TransactionException {




Finally, we need to define beans to wrap the transaction manager and designate the wrapper as the primary manager.



public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(@Qualifier("dataSourceTransactionManager") PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {

return new ReplicaAwareTransactionManager(transactionManager);



public PlatformTransactionManager platformTransactionManager() {

return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource());


Chapter 3: Practical Examples

This video provides a real-world example of implementing master-slave routing in Spring Boot using Debezium.

In this video, Vlad Mihalcea discusses high-performance Hibernate strategies that can enhance your application's data handling capabilities.

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