
How to Gain a Cosmic Perspective on Life

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Chapter 1: The Cosmic Viewpoint

In today's meditation, we build upon our previous course, Perennial Habits: Ancient Practices for Daily Life, focusing on the essence of transformation. The concept of a "view from above," as explored by classicist Pierre Hadot, has been embraced by various philosophical traditions. Schools like Platonism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism each recognized the value of imagining the infinite expanses of the universe.

Philo of Alexandria characterized philosophers as individuals seeking tranquility and introspection, observing the natural world with profound attentiveness—examining everything from land and sea to sky and air.

Marcus Aurelius, in his Meditations, advised himself to observe the stars as if running alongside them, encouraging a continual reflection on the interconnectedness of nature. He noted that this imaginative practice can cleanse our perceptions, allowing us to view earthly matters from a higher vantage point.

The Perspective from Above

Hadot observed that philosophy can deepen and alter our usual ways of seeing, compelling us to question the accuracy of our perceptions. The technique known as “the view from above,” our third perennial habit, serves as a valuable tool for assessing how clearly we see ourselves and the world around us.

In the initial section of this course, we delved into the intricacies of change, addressing topics such as navigating difficult transitions and reframing our thoughts. We learned that establishing new habits often necessitates breaking free from old patterns of thinking. The view from above is instrumental in developing the psychological flexibility needed for such transformations.

This perspective allows us to grasp the entirety of human existence and recognize elements beyond our control. Hadot asserts that when viewed from this angle, concepts like health, fame, wealth, and even death are placed in their proper context. Similarly, Seneca encourages this imaginative exercise in Natural Questions, where the philosopher, observing from a celestial height, becomes acutely aware of the triviality of earthly conflicts over limited resources.

Seeing What Truly Matters

As explored in What Do You Want Out of Life, it’s crucial to evaluate our actions and ensure they resonate with our core values. The view from above helps us detach from daily struggles, offering clarity about our direction and motivations.

Our understanding of the world lays the groundwork for our life philosophy. This practice is not exclusive to Stoics, Epicureans, or Platonists. Astronomer Carl Sagan invites us in Pale Blue Dot to reconsider our perspective:

> “From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of particular interest. But for us, it’s different. Consider again that dot. That’s here, that’s home, that’s us. On it, everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.”

In a similar vein, Ronald A. Heifetz in Leadership on the Line suggests that understanding a system or oneself amid action requires stepping back. He visualizes this as “getting on the balcony” to gain a clearer view of the “dance floor” below, allowing us to perceive underlying truths.

Whether adopting a cosmic perspective or stepping back from immediate events, the goal remains the same: to reevaluate our views. By expanding our horizons, we can cultivate the clarity necessary to incorporate meaningful habits into our lives.

Final Reflections

Hadot, in Philosophy as a Way of Life, asserts, “The sage never ceases to have the whole constantly present to his mind.” This cosmic viewpoint encourages us to recognize our interconnectedness and the value of our existence. As Annie Dillard succinctly stated, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

Thank you for engaging with this meditation; I hope you discovered valuable insights.

— J.W. Bertolotti

P.S. For daily reflections on living meaningfully, consider subscribing to the Perennial Meditations newsletter.

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