
Blogging Basics: A Beginner's Guide to Online Writing

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Introduction to Blogging Fundamentals

Having spent nearly 80 days writing, I may not have extensive experience compared to seasoned bloggers, yet I've gleaned some essential blogging insights that I'd like to share. If you're new to writing like I am, here are some straightforward tips to help elevate your blog.

Understanding blogging basics for beginners

Key Blogging Tips

  • Utilizing bullet points or numbered lists can effectively present your ideas in a structured manner.
  • The header serves as your title, while the sub-header is the section you fill in just below the title on your draft page (accessible via the "next" button on mobile).
  • Including at least one image significantly enhances the visual appeal of your articles. Medium offers a list of copyright-free photo resources, such as Unsplash, for your use.
  • To enhance readability, consider leaving spaces between lengthy paragraphs to separate distinct ideas. This is subjective, so experiment to find what suits your style.
  • The "@" button in the toolbar allows you to tag other Medium writers, making it easy to give credit or offer shoutouts. Simply type their username after the "@" symbol, and a list of profiles will appear for you to choose from.
  • The "three dots" menu separates your main content from promotional material. After your article, use it to add acknowledgments or links to connect with your audience.
  • When including links, copy the desired URL, highlight the text you wish to link, and select "link" to paste the URL. This makes your highlighted text clickable once published.
  • In the same area as the linking options, you'll find additional formatting tools like Bold, Italic, and Translate to enhance your content.
  • The Quotes feature allows you to highlight important text, which can help reinforce the key messages in your article.

Final Thoughts

As I wrap up, I’d like to share a little tidbit on formatting. The small "T" is used for regular text, while the large "T" creates a header-sized font.

Here’s an example of a quote:

“This is a quote.”

And here’s how tagging works:

@AdrianCDTPPW—this is how to give a shoutout. Adrian is an experienced writer, and I encourage you to check out his work!

This overview captures the essentials of basic blogging. Stay tuned for my future insights, and perhaps one day I'll dive into more advanced blogging techniques. Until then, I’m committed to honing my writing and content creation skills. Cheers!

If you enjoyed this article, feel free to follow, subscribe, or check out my other pieces. Your support means a lot!

Chapter 1: Starting Your Blog

This video titled "Blogging 101 For Beginners" provides an overview of the foundational elements you need to consider when starting your blog.

Chapter 2: How to Launch a Blog in 2024

In the video "Blogging 101 For Beginners | How To Start A Blog In 2024," you'll learn step-by-step instructions on how to effectively kickstart your blogging journey.

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