
Avoid Giving Programmers Mice: A Cautionary Tale

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Chapter 1: The Mouse Dilemma

One busy day at the office, I spotted a coworker tapping away at his desk, seemingly frustrated with his mouse. Curious, I inquired about his unusual behavior.

“My mouse is acting up,” he replied, visibly annoyed.

“Just get a new one,” I suggested casually.

“I can’t find another; this one has seven buttons and I’m so accustomed to it that switching would be a hassle,” he lamented. It dawned on me that this was a perfect opportunity to assist a fellow programmer by finding a mouse just like his and gifting it to him.

Taking note of the brand and button layout, I discreetly snapped a picture while he stepped out of the room. Over the next few days, I scoured every computer store in town, but my search yielded nothing. I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me as my plan to surprise the senior programmer fell apart.

A week later, fortune smiled upon me when I finally spotted a seven-button mouse in a specialty store that also sold CDs. Although it featured a rather odd skull design, the brand and button configuration matched perfectly. Excitedly, I purchased it, wrapped it "creatively" in some magazine pages featuring scantily clad models, and presented it to him at our next meeting, hoping he would appreciate my thoughtfulness.

However, the first critique came not from the mouse itself, but from the magazine I had chosen for wrapping. As he unwrapped the gift, his expression shifted to one of utter disappointment, prompting him to turn away and lean against the balcony door, forehead pressed against the glass. For a moment, I feared he might jump from the fifth floor.

“Is everything alright?” I ventured cautiously. He remained silent.

“Look, it has seven buttons!” I pointed out, eager to highlight this crucial detail.

He finally voiced his frustration. “Does that even matter?” he asked, his tone heavy with dismay.

“Not really,” he replied, resolutely taking the mouse from my hands and insisting I return it. I was left holding a patterned mouse, feeling a profound sense of disappointment.

As I contemplated leaving with this underwhelming gift and avoiding him in the future, he paused and said, “If my original mouse breaks completely, I guess I’ll use this one.”

He believed this would provide me some comfort. The next day, when I checked in on him, he had adapted to using the new, patterned mouse and continued to do so for another two years. When I asked why he hadn’t simply bought another one, he replied, “The others are even worse.”

From that day forward, I decided against gifting mice to programmers—and I wouldn’t recommend it either.

Section 1.1: Lessons Learned

This experience taught me valuable lessons about the attachment programmers have to their tools and the importance of understanding their preferences before attempting to help.

Subsection 1.1.1: The Power of Familiarity

Programmer using a mouse at a desk

Chapter 2: Keyboard Over Mouse

In the realm of programming, reliance on a mouse can often hinder efficiency.

The first video, I Don't Use a Mouse Anymore | How to Code Without a Mouse, explores the advantages of relying on keyboard shortcuts instead of a mouse, promoting greater productivity for developers.

The second video, Lock Up Your Mouse. Use Your Keyboard. Boost Developer Productivity, delves into techniques that can enhance a programmer's workflow by minimizing mouse usage.

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