
Achieving Dreams: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth

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Chapter 1: The Struggle with Self-Perception

For some time now, I've been grappling with the concept of success. It's a bit like wrestling—I've had it pinned down only to have it slip away unexpectedly.

It’s amusing to think that there was a period when I considered myself a total failure—utterly lost, as if I needed to scrap everything and start fresh. This may sound dramatic, especially since I was only 23, with a degree, a promising job, and a supportive family. Yet, back then, I would have insisted that my life was a complete disaster.

Looking back at those internal dialogues now makes me chuckle, but they highlight a broader theme about perception, time, and progress. Perhaps you've experienced something similar, reflecting on your achievements and feeling a sense of urgency or dread, as if time is slipping away and you’ve missed the mark.

Success is Not a Quick Fix

Success isn’t a quick-fix medication; it’s more like a vitamin. You’re not battling a life-threatening disease. The issue isn’t chronic or debilitating. If you aspire for success, it’s within your reach.

While the path can be arduous and filled with challenges, it’s not unattainable. The cost of success may be high, but that’s often true for anything worthwhile.

Initially, I thought that achieving success would resolve all my issues, but I soon discovered that this wasn’t the case—realizing that was quite liberating.

You Don't Need a Complete Overhaul

To be deserving of success, you don’t have to completely transform yourself. There’s no need for a total reinvention or to feel that you’ve lived your life incorrectly. You don’t have to start from scratch. At any moment, you can choose to dedicate yourself to a goal. You’ll learn from failures, adapt, and gradually work your way to success—if you allow enough time for it to unfold.

Of course, I’m not suggesting you can amass a fortune overnight. But the truth is, success might be closer than you think. You can become that person if you choose to, and remember, you’re not flawed if that’s not what you desire. Success is akin to a vitamin; perhaps you feel you’re lacking it, but it’s crucial to know that while success is beneficial, it’s not the ultimate solution. Recognizing this can guide you toward your aspirations.

The Realization of Readiness

A significant insight for me was understanding that I already possess the foundation to become whatever I wish. However, I’ve also come to accept that this grand vision of "becoming" may not be as fulfilling as I once believed.

I've often placed immense pressure on myself regarding success. Achieving milestones like being a millionaire or a bestselling author seemed like the ultimate validation. In recent years, I’ve experienced success beyond my wildest dreams. While some may view these achievements as minor, they feel monumental to me. The pride I felt was intense but fleeting.

I’ve learned that if I don’t pause and appreciate what I’ve accomplished, the cycle of chasing will never end, as there will always be another target to aim for.

How I Turned My Dreams into Reality

Building my own business has always been my aspiration, and I’ve successfully done that. Yet, reflecting on the journey, I realize there wasn’t a definitive moment that changed everything; rather, it was a series of small, consistent steps fueled by a growing belief in myself.

The process involved showing up, embracing failures, iterating, and trying again. I learned to detach emotions from setbacks and focus on the lessons to be gained. Being kinder to myself and working within my limitations allowed me to pursue my goals with genuine intentions.

Ultimately, I achieved my dreams through steady, often monotonous work. It took four years, but here I am. My perspective on dreams has completely shifted.

Chapter 2: Insights on Achieving Your Dreams

In this video, titled "The Formula to Achieve Your Dreams," the speaker delves into actionable strategies that can help you realize your aspirations and the mindset shifts necessary for success.

The second video, "What about achieving our dreams? | Pakinam Tarek | TEDxINSA," offers a thought-provoking discussion on the nature of dreams and the paths we take to achieve them.

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