
How I Managed a 9–5 Job While Building a Successful Side Business

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Chapter 1: The Early Morning Grind

It's 6:15 AM, and I've been at my desk since 5:00 AM. With winter approaching in Melbourne, I’m wrapped in a blanket and wearing a beanie to keep warm as I type.

Why am I awake so early?

I work a full-time job while simultaneously building a six-figure business as a solo entrepreneur. My daily routine involves writing for my own projects and ghostwriting for notable figures, including creators, coaches, and entrepreneurs.

In this journey, I’ve learned the importance of beginning with a clear vision.

Recently, I found myself in a creative rut. Despite a surge in my Medium follower count—an impressive gain of 9,826 in April 2024—I often struggled to find inspiration. The words simply wouldn’t come, no matter how hard I tried.

This experience serves as a reminder that creative slumps can happen even when you’re making progress. Balancing a six-figure business alongside a full-time job is not easy. However, I remind myself that I am committed to long-term success. I can endure challenging periods and take breaks when necessary. When faced with difficulties, it helps to refocus on my ultimate goals.

I recall my previous full-time position, where I felt trapped and uninspired. I longed for freedom and the chance to pursue my entrepreneurial dreams. I made a promise to myself to keep that ambition alive, no matter the obstacles.

Direction > intensity: Seek a deeper purpose.

Writing is my outlet.

Even if no one read my work or I earned no income from it, I would still write daily. It’s essential to me, providing comfort and clarity. Writing acts as a therapeutic tool; if I don’t write, my thoughts become chaotic, and my mental state deteriorates.

Through writing, I’ve learned to manage my emotions and view challenges as opportunities for growth. It’s not merely a task; it’s integral to my identity, shaping who I am today and who I aspire to be in the future. This deeper purpose allows me to make sacrifices for my craft.

When you uncover your true purpose, you can weather any storm.

Chapter 2: Finding Connections

Initially, I viewed my 9–5 job and my solo business as distinct entities. Over time, I realized how they share similarities.

In my solo venture, I engage in ghostwriting and develop compelling personal brands for creators and coaches. In my full-time role, I assist businesses in winning government contracts through bids and effective communication strategies.

These roles are connected:

  • Bids and tenders resemble ghostwriting for a corporation.
  • A communications strategy parallels personal branding for a business.

Recognizing these parallels provided me with clarity. My day job complemented my side hustle, enhancing my skills in both areas. As I evolved into a well-rounded ghostwriter and marketer, I discovered that the expertise I gained in one realm could be applied in the other.

Consider asking yourself:

  • What skills from my day job can enhance my side project?
  • Where do my professional and personal interests overlap?
  • How can I market my skill set more effectively?

Leverage your 9–5 to propel your side business forward.

I focused on developing essential skills.

Certain skills are universally beneficial in any business context: sales, marketing, content creation, and automation.

Regardless of your industry, acquiring these skills is crucial. Over the past year, I dedicated myself to learning through books, podcasts, and an abundance of YouTube tutorials.

The takeaway? These skills are often accessible at little to no cost.

By combining these evergreen abilities with specialized knowledge from my full-time job, I position myself uniquely in the market. My CEO has even expressed surprise at my proficiency in sales and marketing, as well as my ability to craft engaging content for LinkedIn and blogs. Clients have praised my writing for their tenders.

Combining technical and evergreen skills means minimal competition.

Chapter 3: The Reality of Sacrifice

Building my career and business has required significant sacrifices.

Here’s what I’ve given up:

  • I’ve chosen to remain single and child-free for the time being, focusing solely on my career.
  • I limit my social outings to one or two events each week from Sunday to Thursday.
  • Most mornings, I wake up at 5:00 AM to write, create content, and learn new skills.
  • I often work through weekends, taking only a half-day off on Sunday to recuperate with family and friends.

Surprisingly, I cherish these sacrifices.

They don’t feel like losses; rather, I find fulfillment in my routine. Some may view my lifestyle as monotonous, and perhaps it is. But I genuinely enjoy it.

This is my truth. You may judge my choices, but they won’t alter my path. As Sam Altman stated, “extreme people achieve extreme results.”

You can’t excel by making mediocre choices.

Chapter 4: Embracing the Season of Life

I’m currently in a phase of laying the groundwork for my future.

Do I envision living this way indefinitely? Absolutely not. I don’t intend to adhere to any specific lifestyle forever. However, I fully embrace this chapter of my life.

If you appreciate your 9–5 job, aspire to build a side business, and want to establish a solid foundation for your future, consider the following steps:

  • Identify your true purpose.
  • Connect it to your day job.
  • Acquire essential, evergreen skills.
  • Embrace your unique stage in life.

Ready for the challenge?


Begin your journey now.

👉 Download your FREE copy of my 86-page Workbook: The Hidden Secrets To Building A Five-Figure One-Person Business Alongside Your 9–5 Job.

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