
Writing: A Journey of Self-Discovery Through Words

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Chapter 1: Finding My Voice

It’s been almost two years since I embarked on my writing journey online. My first piece was penned in October 2022, shortly after I was released from the hospital following a mental health crisis. At that time, I was cautiously attempting to piece my life back together after an upheaval that left me feeling disoriented.

During the initial phase of my recovery, I took it day by day, living in the moment not out of choice, but as a necessary strategy for survival. I felt a strong urge to write about my hospital experience and the challenges I faced. Although I anticipated it would be tough to convey such a traumatic chapter of my life, I believed it was essential to share my story to raise awareness and help others who might feel isolated in their struggles.

I was determined not to delay sharing my experiences until I felt significantly better, fearing I would lose crucial details along the way. I aimed to capture the essence of what it feels like when you’re submerged in despair, convinced you won't resurface, yet somehow you find a way to rise again.

I published that initial story on a straightforward platform and shared it on social media, gradually revealing my journey to friends and family. I was done with concealing my mental health challenges; I wanted to embrace honesty and authenticity as part of my healing process.

Writing as a form of healing

Chapter 2: The Growth of My Writing

Following that first post, I began to pen more stories, documenting my emotional landscape as I navigated the highs and lows of recovery. In many ways, my page transformed into a recovery journal, which was my original intention. I wrote about what I felt was missing from broader discussions: a real-time account of a mental health recovery journey. As time passed, I also ventured into other topics and engaged with a vibrant community of writers—one of my favorite aspects of Medium.

Now, I write consistently for the first time in my life and have even begun to think of myself as a writer. This realization is new for me, especially since I previously struggled with imposter syndrome. Although I've always been creative, I never felt entitled to label myself as a writer until recently.

As a child, I wrote prolifically, but as I transitioned into my teenage years and early adulthood, my writing dwindled due to academic pressures. Even after completing my Philosophy degree, my writing habits remained sporadic. I experimented with various methods to reignite my passion—courses, writer's groups, and scheduling dedicated time—but nothing seemed to work. When I did manage to write, I often felt disconnected from my true voice, akin to a child pretending to be someone they are not.

I started to doubt whether writing was meant for me. Working at a library, I shifted my focus away from writing. When asked about my progress by someone I was dating, I would fabricate numbers, not wanting to reveal that I had barely produced a sentence or two.

Overcoming self-doubt in writing

Chapter 3: Discovering My Niche

Reflecting on my struggles, I realized I had been attempting to write fiction, believing that this was the only pathway to being a "real" writer. I hadn’t considered that my true talent might lie outside that genre. While I possess the ability to write fiction, it doesn’t flow naturally for me; it requires significant effort. I find it challenging to create stories without prompts, though I can easily expand on vague ideas given to me.

My inspiration comes from real-life experiences—events that have shaped me or are currently unfolding. I am a creative non-fiction writer, and this realization has liberated my writing process. Accidentally discovering my niche has reignited my passion for writing. I now feel inspired to express myself rather than feeling obligated to do so. I cherish the opportunity to share my thoughts, knowing there are people eager to engage with my words.

Embracing creative non-fiction

Chapter 4: Embracing Vulnerability

I have come to understand that no form of writing is superior to another; creative non-fiction holds as much validity as fiction. This perspective has encouraged me to explore my creativity further. I have dabbled in poetry alongside my usual writing and found immense joy in it. I feel freer than ever to create without the burden of how my work will be received.

Fear often plays a significant role in writer's block. It's challenging to produce meaningful work when you're fearful. To create truly impactful writing, one must be willing to embrace vulnerability—unless the writing is purely informational. Before my crisis, I lived in a state of fear, carefully constructing a façade that kept my true self hidden.

It took a hospitalization to push me toward authenticity. This experience transformed my perspective, showing me that my previous way of being was unsustainable. As I began to rebuild my identity, my creative side gradually resurfaced. I stopped seeking perfection and allowed myself to be genuine. Through extensive soul-searching, I discovered what resonated with me and pursued it.

In the early months of recovery, I maintained a daily journaling practice as a coping mechanism to declutter my mind. This practice helped reconnect me with my creativity. I realized that I could still write, despite everything I had endured. Ultimately, this low-pressure approach allowed me to gain the confidence to craft my first blog posts.

Finding clarity through journaling

Chapter 5: The Power of Writing

I am certain I wouldn’t be writing today if I hadn’t experienced a mental health crisis two years ago. Now, I feel I am finally on a path that aligns with who I am, and if it took a turbulent journey to get here, then I accept it with gratitude. I have always wished to witness the rainbow that follows a storm, and I continue to desire that more than anything.

I will persist in sharing my journey and the insights I gather along the way, for myself, my loved ones, and anyone else interested in my experiences—whether in the present or future. Writing transcends mere composition; it has the potential to effect change, one story at a time. I genuinely believe this, and it is this conviction that propels me forward.

This video, "All Writing Is Just Practice," explores the notion that writing is a continuous journey of growth and experimentation. It emphasizes the importance of embracing the writing process, regardless of the challenges faced along the way.

In the video, "Let's Write a Book with JUST Prompts - Part 2," viewers are guided through the creative process of writing using prompts, encouraging them to tap into their imagination and unleash their storytelling potential.

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