
Unlocking Your First 1,000 Followers on Medium: A Quick Guide

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Achieving 1,000 followers on Medium was a quicker journey than I anticipated. In this article, I will reveal my practical insights to help you achieve the same success while monetizing your efforts.

If you think Medium only offers meager earnings, think again. In just the last 26 days of my third month writing, I earned over $500! As someone who previously earned a mere dollar for every 1,000 views on YouTube, this is a considerable improvement for just 7,500 views.

If I can do it, so can you! Let this serve as motivation, especially if financial gain drives you.

Table of Contents

  • First 10 Posts
  • Understanding the Algorithm
  • Three Key Metrics
  • Know Your Audience
  • Titles and Thumbnails

First 10 Posts

Don’t focus on views until you’ve published at least ten articles. It’s easy to feel disheartened if your first few posts don’t gain traction. Instead, establish a posting schedule and publicly commit to it; consider a consequence for failure.

In my first upload, I promised to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a month or donate $100 to a commenter if I didn’t meet my goal. While it may seem simple when you’re excited at the start, there will be days when life gets in the way. Prioritize your commitment, and you’ll see the results.

By the end of that month, I hit my target without having to give away any money—just two commenters at the time. Now, it’s astonishing to see how many people have engaged with my writing.

Completing your first ten posts will help establish writing as a habit.

Understanding the Algorithm

Now, let’s dive into the important aspects. If you’re contemplating starting or have already published a few articles, take notes.

Medium’s algorithm doesn’t differentiate between a bestselling author and a novice. It operates on data to deliver content that subscribers will appreciate. Similar to Google’s SEO, it does not automatically assess the quality of your article.

To gain visibility, you need to guide the algorithm by providing genuine value to readers. If subscribers feel they aren’t receiving value worth their monthly fee, they may cancel. As a for-profit platform, Medium strives to prevent this.

So, what constitutes value? It varies—entertainment, education, or a blend of both can attract different audiences. Medium serves as a unique space where both enjoyment and learning coexist.

Three Key Metrics

If the term 'metrics' intimidates you, don’t fret. Unless your income on Medium directly affects your monthly expenses, try not to obsess over numbers. Such fixation can hinder your enjoyment of writing, resulting in inconsistent or poorly crafted content.

Above all, relish the writing process!

For those who enjoy tracking metrics, here are three crucial factors to keep in mind:

  1. Minimum Viewership Required
    • This is a common oversight among new writers. If you’re receiving fewer than 1,000 views per month, take note. The algorithm won’t recognize your work’s quality unless it garners attention. You must actively promote your content to hit that initial 1,000 views.
    • I’ve created a separate guide, “How to Gain Your First 1,000 Views on Medium (FASTER),” linked at the article’s conclusion. Once you cross this threshold, Medium is more likely to promote your work.
  2. Retention
    • The duration that readers stay engaged with your content is closely tied to your earnings and Medium’s prioritization of your articles.
    • Phil Cooke’s quote, “The most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention,” resonates strongly here. While there are numerous strategies to keep readers hooked, I prefer to focus on creating enjoyable content rather than making writing feel like a chore. Being concise is key to maintaining attention spans in today’s fast-paced world.
  3. Engagement
    • The quantity of comments, claps, and highlights your post receives directly influences its ranking.
    • In line with Paul Graham’s Y Combinator motto, “Make something people want,” on Medium, the principle is: “Write something people want.” Deliver genuine value and engage with your readers to enhance your visibility.

Know Your Audience

Successful Medium writers often recommend focusing on two main topics. If you cover too many areas, potential followers may be unclear about what to expect and refrain from clicking the follow button.

Tim Denning, a highly regarded creator, emphasizes “Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship” in his bio. If anyone knows what works, it’s him.

If you’re unsure about your focus, that’s perfectly fine. It will become clearer as you write more. Remember, your readers are typically intelligent individuals. Aim to share knowledge and maintain a high level of competency by minimizing errors.

Lastly, your tone is crucial. Successful Medium writers adopt a conversational, relatable style that’s easy to comprehend. Avoid overly complex language that might alienate your audience.

Titles and Thumbnails

While Medium is a refreshing corner of the internet, it’s not free from the quirks of human nature. Therefore, it’s essential to craft intriguing titles and thumbnails that draw attention without veering into clickbait territory.

Notably, titles from top creators often share certain characteristics: - They create curiosity that compels readers to click. - They frequently include numbers for added credibility. - They employ strong language.

Mastering the art of title crafting is a skill that develops over time. Many writers, including myself, begin with a compelling title to inspire the content.

When it comes to thumbnails, I prioritize them as essential elements of my posts. Having grown up on YouTube, I recognize their importance in attracting clicks. A well-designed thumbnail adds character and complements the title, offering a preview of the post’s content. If you want to stand out and attract followers, don’t overlook this aspect.

Quick Tips:

  • Draft your work outside of Medium. While it may take extra time to format later, this approach prevents the rush to publish from compromising your writing quality. I utilize Notes, Google Docs, and Posthaven.
  • Invest time in creating an eye-catching profile picture and banner. I often use GIFs for these visuals; although they don’t display on mobile, they grab attention on desktop.
  • Write a succinct, engaging profile description to summarize your content focus, as this can influence whether visitors choose to follow you.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! It shows your commitment to growing on Medium.

My writing journey has been incredibly fulfilling, igniting a passion within me. Sharing your thoughts with the world and receiving feedback is a privilege. Not everyone will agree, but diverse perspectives are valuable.

Medium has a supportive community, making it a great platform to develop your writing skills. As someone who started consistently writing just a year ago, I can attest to the impact words can have. Remember, there’s no competition regarding how quickly you reach 1,000 followers; we are each on our unique paths.

If you’re contemplating beginning your writing journey, I wholeheartedly encourage you to dive in. It’s a lifelong habit that enhances clarity of thought and articulation.

Whether driven by self-discovery, financial gain, or recognition, embrace it and start writing. Ultimately, the motivation will evolve into a deeper sense of self-actualization that all writers value.

“90 percent perfect and shared with the world always changes more lives than 100 percent perfect and stuck in your head.” — Jon Acuff, Author

Read Part 2/2 of this Medium growth series next: How to Gain Your First 1,000 Views on Medium (FASTER) (5-minute read)

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