
# Understanding Self-Respect and Overcoming Self-Doubt

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Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

In my quest for self-respect, I encountered a major challenge that I hadn't anticipated, which complicated my path significantly. As I worked on valuing myself, I found myself grappling with self-doubt, feeling like a fraud despite my achievements. This realization was disorienting and left me feeling quite perplexed.

I believe many of you may experience a similar situation if you're not prepared, so I want to share the crucial insights I've gained about self-respect and how to break free from the persistent self-doubt that seems inescapable. Self-doubt can be likened to a slinky stuck to your forehead; it’s both bothersome and warps your perspective.

Through extensive personal exploration, I discovered ways to liberate myself from this mindset, and I am eager to share not only the nature of self-doubt but also actionable steps you can take starting today.

Quick Recap

In the first article of this series, I delved into what self-respect truly means and provided practical exercises to cultivate it within yourself. I highly recommend you read that article for a comprehensive understanding, as I cannot adequately summarize it here without losing essential clarity on this vital subject.

Let’s briefly revisit the core concept of self-respect and its significance.

Defining Self-Respect

According to the Collins Cobuild Advanced Learners Dictionary, respect means having a favorable opinion of someone. Thus, self-respect refers to having a positive opinion of oneself.

Rather than simply advising you to “be confident,” we need to uncover the reasons behind any negative self-perception. It’s crucial to identify what you genuinely respect or admire in life and devise a plan to incorporate those values into your own existence. This is where the exercises from Article #1 come into play. Yes, it requires effort, but this is genuine self-respect, not a cheap imitation.

Moving Forward

Having worked on building a version of myself that I can appreciate, I reconciled my past, including the significant mistakes I discussed in Article #1. One would think I’d feel liberated. So, why was self-doubt still haunting me? I enjoyed success as a consultant for Fortune 500 companies globally, and I was regarded as a role model. Yet, I still felt like a phony when people admired me, fearing they would reject me if they knew the real me. This confusion cost me years of inner turmoil until I made a simple but profound realization.

I had addressed my past, but what about my present?

Self-Respect as Your Guiding Compass

“Isn’t this the same thing you’ve told us before?” you might wonder. I appreciate your curiosity, imaginary-reader.

Actually, it’s not. What I discovered was that my self-respect fluctuated daily. The reason for this change? I often felt I was letting myself down.

When I looked in the mirror, I recognized that I could strive for better. I indulged in pizza and ice cream today—great choice. I got into a heated discussion with a coworker whom I felt was being unreasonable, and I let that replay in my mind. I reacted poorly to a driver who was merely assisting an elderly woman across the street. Did I just come off as rude?

And then there was that girl who seemed interested in me, but I didn't have the courage to approach her, leading me straight to Regretville.

The issue wasn’t that my day was filled with “wrong” or “bad” experiences. Rather, it stemmed from my actions—or lack thereof—that I felt negatively about.

Self-respect serves as a compass, directing our actions and choices.

Harnessing Self-Respect as a Tool for Change

Ahem, not that kind of tool! Let’s keep it focused.

I have made some of the most significant changes in my life by using self-respect as a diagnostic tool. By evaluating how I felt about myself based on my actions, I could identify areas for improvement.

Real-Life Examples of Self-Respect in Action

  1. Personal Discipline: In my youth, I felt embarrassed by my messy room. Did I want a girl to see that? Absolutely not! This realization led me to consistently make my bed and tidy up each morning well into my 40s.
  2. Quitting Smoking: I was a pack-a-day smoker for 15 years and wore it like a badge of honor. However, when my stepdaughter pointed out that I could leave her mother alone if I died early, it struck a nerve. How could I be so selfish? That thought compelled me to quit, and I’ve been smoke-free for over a decade now, significantly improving my health.
  3. Addressing Pornography: This is a sensitive topic for many, but I noticed I felt ashamed after watching porn. It struck me as sad to watch others engage in intimacy while I wasn’t doing the same. Consequently, I chose to stop watching it.
  4. Fitness: I once trained in martial arts and maintained a healthy lifestyle, but I let myself go when I entered the business world. After attending a formal event and seeing a photo of myself, I was horrified. That moment motivated me to get back into shape.

These reflections are personal to me and may not resonate with everyone, but they illustrate how my self-perception influenced my behavior.

When Self-Doubt Persists

Perhaps you’ve tried the exercises from my earlier article or have been working to enhance your life, yet self-doubt lingers. Why does that happen? Let’s be candid; you may have unresolved areas in your life or traits you’re not proud of.

Fortunately, I have a couple of exercises for you to consider.

Putting It Into Action

Exercise 1: Grab a pen and paper. Identify one aspect of yourself that you would change if you could. There’s no wrong answer. Next, outline a plan with small, actionable steps you can take today to initiate that change.

For example:

  • “Inventory all sugar-laden items in my fridge and pantry.”
  • “Research dietary and lifestyle changes.”

Proceed to detail your next steps. Don’t overwhelm yourself; focus on taking incremental actions daily or weekly. Now, take action.

I recognize it’s easier said than done, but the choice is ultimately yours. If you truly want to make a change, you will find a way.

Exercise 2: Create a list of all the traits you dislike about yourself. Let it all out without worrying about whether it’s changeable. Don’t dwell on this too long; it’s natural to feel down during this process.

Next, next to each item, write down the reasons for your discontent. Reflect on how these traits affect your life or others. If you realize some are acceptable, feel free to cross them off your list.

Prioritize these items; it may take time to improve them. Choose one to focus on and save your list for ongoing reflection, crossing off items as you overcome them.


  • Complete one item before moving on to another.
  • Tackle the most challenging issues first; avoidance has hindered your progress in the past.


The first hurdle you face on the road to genuine self-respect may come as a surprise, but you don’t have to face it unprepared. You’ve already taken the first step by seeking to understand this concept.

Your self-perception is what truly matters. When it’s clouded by negativity, life can feel like a daunting cave from which you’re reluctant to emerge.

Reclaiming your self-respect is the most significant journey you will embark on. The dawn of self-acceptance is just a few steps away.

I’ve outlined the necessary steps and illuminated the path ahead; now, it’s your turn to walk it.

Keep moving forward, my friend. I’ve been where you are, and I genuinely wish you success on this journey. I hope you take these insights to heart, as they have the potential to transform your life just as they did mine.

If you found this helpful, consider sharing it with others who may benefit!

Videos to Enhance Your Journey

Watch "How To Have Self-Respect | Dignity" to gain deeper insights into self-respect and its importance in your life.

Explore "True Self Love Leads to True Self Mastery—with Jon Marc Hammer" for further understanding of self-love and its connection to self-respect.

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