
You Can Rely on Your Inner Wisdom: Solve Problems Independently

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Understanding the Challenge

I received a document titled “Protection Setting Report” for review. My immediate thought was, “What is this about, and how do I approach it?” It felt like an unexpected hurdle.

In my moment of confusion, I reached out to Paul, the project manager, to seek guidance on who could review the report. However, just as I posed my question, a clear plan unfolded in my mind, step by step, like an instruction manual.

  1. Open the comments section.
  2. Identify the individuals who previously commented.
  3. Ask them to review the updated document.

As I waited for Paul to elaborate on what seemed like an obvious solution, I realized a critical insight: I had knocked on a door without checking if it was even locked.

The Habit of Outsourcing Solutions

For years, I unconsciously passed my problem-solving responsibilities onto others. Whenever I faced a challenge, I would pause my work and often turn to my Dad for guidance, especially when feeling overwhelmed.

But what occurs when my boss is unavailable? Or worse, what if my Dad is no longer around? Would everything fall apart?

When George lost his father, he found himself thrust into the role of the chief decision-maker for his father’s business and family affairs. Interestingly, he hadn’t suddenly gained the qualifications to make these decisions; he simply had to step up.

Many problems seem insurmountable because they appear beyond our knowledge or experience. While it’s true that we may not have all the answers, this is the revelation: high-level decision-makers often rely on educated guesses rather than certainties.

A well-informed guess combines experience with intuition. In simple terms: “I’ve encountered something similar, and this solution seems plausible, so it’s likely to work.”

Strategies for Independent Problem Solving

While experience and intuition are crucial in decision-making, there are specific strategies that effective decision-makers employ. Since I adopted these practices, I’ve become significantly more decisive and self-reliant—an essential step in personal and professional growth.

  1. Detach from the Problem

    When you’re too close to an issue, it becomes hard to see the solution. It’s like trying to decide on the color of your house while standing inside it. Sometimes, you need to step outside for a fresh perspective. You might realize that the answer is clearer when you're not emotionally involved.

In her book Thick Face, Black Heart, Chin-Ning Chu discusses the importance of detaching from crises:

“When facing a crisis, imagine it’s someone else’s problem. This perspective can facilitate solutions and relieve stress.”

Next time you face a challenge, try asking yourself as if you were advising someone else.

Bonus Tip: Draft an email as if you’re seeking advice, but don’t send it. Often, you’ll discover the answer yourself.

  1. Embrace Risk

    “Life expands or contracts based on one’s courage.” — Anaïs Nin.

Gaining confidence requires experiencing discomfort. For instance, you might have learned about sun protection from your mother, but you truly internalized that lesson the first time you got sunburned.

Accept that you might look foolish at times; it’s a vital step toward wisdom.

  1. Seek Answers Within

    “The answers are within you. You know more than you realize; all you need to do is look, listen, and trust.” — Unknown.

Ironically, people often claim they’re unsure what to do, yet they articulate their potential solutions. When you pause to reflect on the problem, you’ll find that your intuition often knows the way forward.

Becoming Self-Sufficient in Decision-Making

You possess the ability to make decisions independently, and it’s crucial to cultivate this skill. Instead of depending on others for solutions, trust your inner wisdom—your intuition holds the answers if you learn to tap into it.

Don’t dismiss the profound knowledge within you just because seeking external input seems easier. The more challenges you tackle independently—through taking risks, experiencing failures, and gaining insights—the more confidence you’ll build in your intuition.

In summary, here are three strategies to enhance your self-sufficiency in decision-making:

  1. Detach from the issue—approach it as if you were advising someone else.
  2. Be willing to take risks and accept failure as part of the journey.
  3. Look inward for solutions—trust your instincts.

Consistently practicing these techniques will yield significant benefits over time.



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