
Reflecting on Lockdown: A Time of Unforeseen Opportunities

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Chapter 1: A Surprising Nostalgia

The lockdown period feels like a missed chance, and it's essential to understand why...

Reflection during lockdown period

Photo by Julien Riedel on Unsplash

The COVID-19 pandemic was a whirlwind that transformed our lives for over two years. It's astonishing to think about the shared global experience we all endured. I believe many can agree that we hope to never find ourselves in such a situation again.

In the UK, lockdown restrictions were officially lifted on July 19, 2021, marking over three years since that pivotal moment. Yet, there’s one aspect I find myself yearning for: the lockdown itself. But what is it that I miss?

While the lockdown was undoubtedly challenging, it also provided a unique pause for the world. It was an unusual time, filled with mental hurdles, but it forced everyone to step back from their hectic routines.

Time to pause and reflect

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

During that period, many found themselves with little to do, leading to an unexpected abundance of free time. Those of us who could work—whether remotely or as essential workers—managed to maintain some semblance of routine. However, for those unable to work or with extra hours, it was a rare opportunity to engage in activities we seldom had time for before.

Although there were restrictions, we had the chance to explore new interests or rediscover old hobbies from the safety of our homes. With everyone else in a similar boat, FOMO (fear of missing out) was non-existent. Instead, the world collectively longed for the return of normalcy.

A world at home during lockdown

Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

I was fortunate to work from home throughout this period, helping me keep a routine that I valued. In my spare time, I immersed myself in journaling, binge-watching YouTube videos, enjoying Netflix, and engaging in online workouts with friends via FaceTime. I also took daily walks with my dog, navigated long supermarket queues, and sanitized my home while quickly removing my mask upon arrival.

Looking back, it’s surreal to realize how drastically life has changed before, during, and after the pandemic.

Remembering extraordinary times

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

What do I consider my missed opportunity? I wish I had dedicated some of that free time to learning a new skill. With the world at a standstill, I could have utilized the plethora of online resources available—many of them free or low-cost. At the time, I didn’t prioritize learning, but in hindsight, I recognize its importance.

How Lockdown Shaped My Perspective

I believe the pandemic altered everyone in some way, but for me, it underscored a critical realization: health and happiness are what truly matter. If you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, the rest pales in comparison.

I strive to appreciate the simple joys of daily life, such as visiting family or friends without restrictions. Not everyone can say they lived through a global pandemic, and while it was tough, we emerged from it.

Embracing the present

Photo by Liz Sanchez-Vegas on Unsplash

Since restrictions eased, I’ve made a conscious effort to fill my free time with activities I once wanted to pursue. I carve out time in my schedule to connect with friends and family, delve into books, and explore podcasts and audiobooks. I actively seek new learning opportunities through educational videos on platforms like LinkedIn Learning and YouTube. Additionally, I’ve taken up running twice a week—not only for fitness but to appreciate the simple act of running itself.

If there’s a takeaway from my reflections, it’s this: seize the time to pursue what you genuinely want to do and cherish the ability to do so.

I’m glad that life has returned to a sense of normalcy, but there are aspects of the lockdown I sometimes miss. It was a transformative period that deepened our appreciation for life’s little pleasures, which is incredibly special.

Do you find yourself missing certain elements of lockdown, or is it just me?

The first video, "I Miss One Week Ago (written and recorded during COVID-19 lockdown)," offers a poignant look at the emotions many felt during that time.

In the second video, "I'm Going to Miss Lockdown Life...," the creator shares a heartfelt reflection on what they miss about the lockdown experience.

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