
Navigating My Writing Journey: Day 20 of the 100-Day Challenge

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On February 1, 2022, I initiated a 100-day writing challenge, committing to craft a story each day on Medium. I've chosen to report my progress every ten days, with this being my update for day 20.

Staying on Course

I’m pleased to share that I've successfully written 20 articles over the past 20 days. The quality remains high, with each piece exceeding 500 words. There were nights when I stayed up late to meet my daily writing goal, but I managed to maintain my commitment.

About Me Page

I also took the time to create an "About Me" page that I’m genuinely proud of. To be transparent, I had a much longer version from last year that never saw the light of day. It turned into a lengthy narrative about my life, which I mistakenly treated like a memoir.

While I enjoy reading long "About Me" pieces, feedback indicated that mine was too overwhelming. So, I modeled my new version after a structure used by a skilled writer (whose name I unfortunately can't recall). The feedback has been positive, with many readers expressing enthusiasm for my story.

Exploring Productivity Systems

Additionally, I began a series discussing my paper-based productivity system, dubbed “Daily Done.” This approach may not appeal to everyone, especially with the current digital trend, but it's a method that has served me well over the years.

Here are some benefits I see in using a paper-based system:

  1. You can't overwhelm it with tasks, which helps keep your to-do list manageable.
  2. It offers flexibility, free from the constraints of software limitations.
  3. It serves as a tangible reminder that is hard to overlook.

While I don't exclusively rely on paper for task management—utilizing Google Calendar for meetings and a ticketing system for client collaboration—writing down my daily tasks on paper has been immensely beneficial.

Developing a Lead Magnet

Yesterday, I designed a cover for a free gift I plan to offer alongside my upcoming email newsletter. However, I've received feedback suggesting it lacks catchiness, so I’m contemplating revisions (feel free to share your thoughts in the comments).

Achieving 100 Followers

In my last update, I acknowledged that I hadn't actively pursued followers, and I recognized the need to address this. The 100-follower milestone is crucial on Medium, as it grants access to the Partner Program, allowing writers to earn money from their articles.

To tackle this, I searched for posts tagged “100 followers” where users were requesting followers. This month, Medium alerted all partners without 100 followers, which has led many to seek new followers.

I followed individuals who engaged with these posts, reading and commenting on their articles to establish some rapport before following them. Many reciprocated, significantly boosting my follower count. I've also connected with numerous talented writers and read inspiring pieces.

My Progress Stats

Now, let's dive into my statistics.

First, here are the story stats:

As illustrated, my views saw a notable increase last week, with a significant spike today. This surge is largely due to my engagement with other writers, who returned the favor by reading my articles.

Next, let's look at my audience stats:

As shown, the follower count stands at 54 in this chart, but that's outdated. Currently, I have 89 followers:

I anticipate reaching the 100-follower milestone by the time you read this. The rapid increase in followers surprised me, and I hope they will engage with my content, although I don’t expect all of them to become dedicated fans.

My Approach

While not a hidden strategy, I’ve shared my plan from the outset. Here's how I’m progressing with the habits I set out to cultivate:

Building Consistency and Motivation

  • I will make writing for an hour each morning a habit. This has been going strong, often exceeding an hour as I immerse myself in this challenge.
  • I will connect with my accountability partner to keep focused. I still need to find a new partner.
  • I will engage in various writing communities. I'm active in the Write Useful Books and ILLUMINATION Slack groups, though my participation has decreased as I focus on writing quality pieces.
  • Additionally, I continue to use a spreadsheet to track my articles and refine my writing process.

Seeking Inspiration

  • I will read Medium articles and follow writers I admire. I've continued to explore many articles through the Medium app on my phone, discovering new talented authors through the “100 followers” tag.
  • I will read a book daily for at least 30 minutes. I’m currently about 67% through Contagious and plan to write about it once I finish.
  • I will take daily walks in nature. Yes, I’m still doing this.
  • Furthermore, I've attempted to generate content by dictating, although I haven’t perfected that method yet.

Preventing Burnout

  • I will meditate or take a nap each morning after publishing. I often practice the Body Scan relaxation technique, guided by Jon Kabat-Zinn, which is very helpful!
  • I will engage in vigorous exercise during my nature walks. Still keeping this up!
  • I will write articles in advance. While I don't have a backlog yet, I'm working on it.
  • Lastly, I enjoy having lively neighbors over for a chat, which boosts my mood.

Ensuring Quality Articles

  • I will refrain from publishing an article on the same day it's drafted to allow for editing. I remain disciplined about this, even though it can be challenging.
  • I will utilize Grammarly to catch grammar mistakes. This tool has been invaluable.
  • I will practice writing exercises by studying my favorite authors' structures. I applied this technique to my "About Me" piece, which greatly aided my writing.
  • Additionally, I strive to plan my writing topics ahead to enhance the depth of my articles, though this isn’t always easy.

Recent Works

Finally, here’s a list of the stories I’ve written since my last update:

  1. Stop Agonizing Over Painful Problems With the Minority Report Principle
  2. Friday Evening Hangover — How to Get Productive When You Don’t Feel Like It? (not published yet, submitted to “The Startup” publication)
  3. About Me — Alex Philippe
  4. Daily Done: Part 1 — A Sustainable Productivity System
  5. Daily Done: Part 2 — The Daily Review
  6. Daily Done: Part 3 — A Simple Prioritizing System
  7. Daily Done: Part 4 — The Daily Plan
  8. How Jon Kabat-Zinn Saved Me From Stress and Burnout (not published yet, submitted to “Better Human” publication)
  9. How to Stay Focused at Work Despite Constant Online Interruptions (finished but not published yet)
  10. Break Free From Procrastination by Washing Your Hands (finished but not published yet)

Last Friday, I published my eighth article: 12 Fascinating Facts About Jack Ma and the Rise Of Alibaba. I believe it’s a strong piece, but it has unfortunately been rejected twice by major publications, “The Startup” and “Making of a Millionaire”. Additionally, my sixth article, Unstoppable Writing: 3 Easy Hacks to Unleash Your Creative Writing Flow, was also rejected by “The Writing Cooperative”, and I’ve now submitted it to “The Book Mechanic”.

I hope you found this article engaging. A lot has transpired over the last ten days, and I've made numerous discoveries. I trust this will inspire you in your writing journey!

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