
Navigating Major Change: 6 Strategies for Personal Growth

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by: E.B. Johnson

In life, change is the only certainty we can rely on. Everything surrounding us is in a state of flux—our jobs, friendships, and relationships are all subject to transformation. Although life is fundamentally about change, coping with it, whether personally or professionally, can be quite challenging.

Developing the ability to manage change is a skill that requires time and practice. Change is elusive and can feel as if you're grappling with smoke; yet, with dedication and a willingness to accept one key truth—that change is difficult but necessary—you can learn to navigate it effectively.

Why is change so challenging?

The mere thought of change can trigger significant anxiety for many. It’s tough to view change as a positive force when it often isn't. This struggle is influenced by the complexity of change itself, along with certain ingrained beliefs that come with being human.

Recognizing the need for change

From our personal perspective, it can be difficult to acknowledge when change is necessary. We are creatures of habit, finding comfort in our routines. New situations and habits can create discomfort and disrupt our established patterns.

Our defenses keep us stagnant

Human instincts can be peculiar, often leading us to self-defeating behaviors that make embracing change difficult. One such behavior is our tendency to remain in unsatisfactory situations or relationships. Our brains often convince us that it’s safer to remain unhappy in familiar surroundings than to seek happiness in the unknown—a perplexing realization when viewed from an outsider's perspective.

Awareness of needed change doesn't guarantee action

Even when we recognize the necessity for change, figuring out how to implement it can be daunting. After doing things a certain way for so long, altering our approach becomes a challenge. Frequently, support from others or a long-term commitment to learning is required to initiate these changes—an endeavor that demands more effort than many are prepared to invest.

Staying the course is tough

Implementing changes, regardless of the context, is inherently difficult. We often revert to our old habits and relationships, making it essential to establish a support system that keeps you accountable, as well as an environment that nurtures your efforts.

Giving up before overcoming hurdles

Every change, large or small, presents its own set of challenges. Whether or not you overcome these challenges is largely in your hands, but they are among the main reasons we struggle with change. The unpredictable nature of change can be intimidating for those who prefer stability.

External resistance to change

When those around us resist change, it complicates our own efforts to manage it. Negative feedback can accumulate, amplifying feelings of anxiety and discontent. If your circle is resistant to change, it’s likely you will be too, leading to a cycle of stagnation and dissatisfaction.

The 6 best strategies for managing major change

Despite the difficulties, change can be navigated successfully. Several evidence-based techniques can assist you, but they fundamentally rely on understanding your needs and identity to maneuver through turbulent times effectively. Here are six strategies to consider:

1. Acknowledge and accept

Change will occur regardless of our desires or efforts to maintain the status quo. Life continues on, and we must learn to adapt if we hope to achieve happiness.

> Stop struggling against the current and embrace the flow of life. Recognize that change is the only constant and accept that you will always be a part of this ongoing process. Denial can be a protective mechanism, but it often leads to stagnation. Acknowledge that everything is temporary, including ourselves.

2. Allow yourself to breathe

When surrounded by change, it's common to feel overwhelmed. This sensation can lead to self-doubt and the impression that we’re failing to meet expectations. Thus, it’s vital to practice self-care and remember that it’s acceptable to take a step back.

3. Vent—constructively

While sharing your feelings can be cathartic, it’s crucial to direct those conversations towards productive outcomes. Connect with supportive friends and express your struggles, but keep the focus on solutions rather than dwelling on negativity.

4. Accept that change, even positive, can be stressful

It’s a common misconception that only negative changes cause stress. In fact, joyful milestones like graduations or weddings can also induce significant stress.

> Stress is our body's reaction to change. Embrace the fact that even positive events can lead to feelings of pressure. Develop coping strategies like journaling or seeking support from loved ones to manage this stress.

5. Maintain your routines

Change can create chaos, so sticking to your routines as closely as possible during significant transitions can provide stability. Simple habits, like morning walks, can anchor you amidst the upheaval.

6. Prioritize nutrition and exercise

Stress often drives us towards unhealthy eating habits and inactivity. While it’s understandable, relying on comfort food can lead to long-term issues.

> Junk food may provide temporary relief, but it’s essential to monitor what you consume during stressful times. Aim to incorporate daily exercise, even if it's just a 20-minute walk, to enhance your mood and resilience.

7. Build a support network

No one can navigate life's changes alone. Establishing a circle of supportive individuals is crucial, allowing you to seek help when needed.

> If finding reliable people is a challenge, consider using community apps to connect with like-minded individuals. In times of crisis, don’t hesitate to reach out to professional help when necessary.

8. Be proactive

Change is inevitable, so it’s vital to take initiative in managing its impact rather than waiting for it to disrupt your life.

> Take charge of your circumstances by preparing for potential changes. Identify your needs and address them before challenges arise, ensuring your well-being is prioritized.

BONUS: Supporting others through change

Change can also affect those around us, and we may need to step in to assist friends and colleagues facing challenges.

Offer advice

Your insights can be invaluable during someone else's tough time, but ensure that your advice is solicited.

> Unsolicited suggestions can frustrate others, so wait until your input is welcomed. Offer guidance only when asked, or when others have previously benefited from your advice.

Share motivational messages

Inspiration can empower those around us. Simple, encouraging messages can help others shift their perspectives during difficult times.

Reward resilience

Positive reinforcement encourages desired behaviors. Recognize and celebrate moments of strength in your friends with kind words or small gestures, reinforcing the idea that overcoming change can be a rewarding experience.

Putting it all together…

As we encounter significant changes in life, navigating the complexities can be challenging but not impossible. Life is inherently about change, and embracing it requires self-awareness and acceptance. Managing change is multifaceted, influenced by various factors, but it’s essential for living an authentic and fulfilling life.

Be proactive in addressing the adverse effects of change, establish a support network, maintain healthy habits, and accept the stress that accompanies both good and bad transitions. Change is the only constant; learn to welcome it as a catalyst for growth. When you stop resisting change, you open yourself up to fully embrace the new possibilities that lie ahead.

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