
Lessons Learned from 3 Years of Writing on Medium

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Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

Two years ago, if someone had told me that I would amass over 10,000 followers on Medium, I would have laughed it off. However, writing about niche topics, particularly in Python, has surprisingly brought me to this point. Here are seven important lessons I’ve learned during my three-year writing journey.

Section 1.1: Followers Do Not Equal Earnings

It's a common belief that having more followers leads to higher earnings. While this may hold some truth initially, the relationship does not scale linearly. For instance, my best month financially occurred when I had just over 2,000 followers, largely due to one article going viral. After that, my earnings fluctuated unpredictably. So, don’t assume that a writer with 20,000 followers is automatically earning double what someone with 10,000 makes. Instead, focus less on follower counts and more on the quality of your writing.

Section 1.2: The Power of Consistency

A lawyer friend of mine once emphasized the importance of sustainability in one’s career: "My focus is on longevity and not burning out." From August 2021 onward, I made it a point to write an average of one article every two days. This frequency seems to help Medium's algorithm boost my older content, resulting in more views and the opportunity to connect with a wider audience. Consistency is crucial, but it’s equally important to set a manageable pace to avoid burnout.

Section 1.3: Enjoy the Writing Process

If you find a particular subject draining, it might be wise to shift your focus to something more engaging. Writing should be a joy, not a chore. If I had to write about topics that didn’t excite me, I doubt I would have made it through the first month.

Subsection 1.3.1: Quality Over Quantity

While it may be tempting to strive for 110% effort every time you write, it’s perfectly acceptable to publish work that’s only 70-80% polished on some days. We all have off days, and it’s important to recognize that not every piece needs to be a masterpiece. However, maintaining a baseline quality is essential; avoid churning out subpar content just to meet quotas.

Section 1.4: Facing Criticism

Most comments I receive are positive, often expressing surprise at what they’ve learned about Python. However, there will always be critics. I’ve faced comments suggesting I delete my work or that my coding is nonsensical (which, ironically, is sometimes intended to be humorous). My approach? Ignore the negativity. Criticism often reflects the commenter’s mindset rather than your work. Every writer encounters haters; it’s essential to rise above the noise and not let it affect your confidence.

Section 1.5: Effort Doesn’t Always Correlate with Success

There have been instances where I dedicated hours to crafting an article, only for it to flop, while a hastily written piece unexpectedly performs well. Intuitively, it seems that more effort should yield better results, but that’s not always the case. If a well-thought-out story doesn’t resonate, don’t be discouraged; it’s a normal part of the writing process.

Chapter 2: Learning from Experience

As I continue to write, I’ve started to notice patterns in how different topics and formats perform with readers. Some stories resonate more than others, and while consistency is vital, it’s equally important to build upon what works.

Section 2.1: Revisiting Past Ideas

Out of the 648 stories I’ve penned, a significant majority are centered on Python. Have I produced 583 unique ideas? Not at all. Some stories revisit previous concepts but are presented more clearly or with a fresh twist. There’s no harm in refining and reintroducing ideas, as long as you don’t simply republish them unchanged.

Section 2.2: Embrace Experimentation

Typically, I’m confident that 80% of my work will perform adequately, while the remaining 20% is reserved for experimentation. I’ve tried everything from drawing comics to writing lighthearted poetry and creating tier lists about my university classes. While some experiments may fail, they often lead to enjoyable experiences or new opportunities.

Conclusion: Moving Forward

Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope these insights prove helpful in your own writing journey.

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