
The Journey of Writing: Overcoming Delays and Limiting Beliefs

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Chapter 1: Reflections on Delays in Writing

Standing before an audience at the renowned Book Soup in West Hollywood, I shared excerpts from my recent publication, Heart. Soul. Pen.: Find Your Voice on the Page and in Your Life. It was a nostalgic moment, reminiscent of my previous reading in 2017 for my novel, Restless in L.A. Little did I know back then that a span of seven long years would separate my first and second books. As I addressed the crowd, I chuckled, recalling the question I often posed to myself: "Robin, what took you so long?" Part of me was joking, but the truth runs deeper.

During those seven years, I embarked on numerous life changes: I founded Heart. Soul. Pen. Women's Writing Workshops; I cherished, lost, and grieved for my dear mother; I saw my three children off to college, celebrating my eldest's graduation; I adopted a second dog while mourning my first; I navigated the ups and downs of Covid-19; I grew my hair to nearly waist-length before opting for a shoulder-length cut; and I led countless classes and workshops, impacting more women than I can count.

Yet, somehow, it feels insufficient. By now, I envisioned having completed five books. At 54, I feel the weight of time. I often reflect on the past, wishing I had started earlier—perhaps before motherhood, after marriage, or some other time when life seemed to promise endless possibilities. I am well aware of 'limiting beliefs.' I delve into this topic in my new book, discussing their nature, how to reshape them, and how to let go of those that no longer serve us. I recognize that the belief 'I should have started sooner' is a mere illusion. I began at the perfect moment. What matters is that I took that first step.

Nevertheless, the struggle with my ambitions persists. I thrive on achievement and the satisfaction of ticking off tasks, even as my ultimate goal is to surrender. My mind often clashes with my heart. As someone who seeks inner peace, I tend to favor my heart's desires, yet my mind continues to debate, even when I choose to ignore it.

This brings us to the essence of limiting beliefs. Learning to identify, revise, and release them is crucial, but it's also an ongoing journey. Letting go of these beliefs is akin to spring cleaning: no matter how thorough your efforts are, the seasons change, and those pesky beliefs will reemerge from the hidden corners of your heart and mind. This is why it’s called a practice—you must consistently engage in it.

Two weeks ago, as I stood at the podium in Book Soup, I made a promise to return in less than seven years. Ideally, I aim for a two-year timeline. Excitingly, I already have ideas for my next book; they are simmering in my mind. I look forward to sharing my third book and confidently proclaiming, "I knew I could do it." For now, though, the vision, passion, and enthusiasm I hold are more than enough.

The first video, "Why It's Taking You So Long To Write Your Book!" discusses common hurdles writers face and offers insights on overcoming procrastination and self-doubt.

Chapter 2: Lessons from the Writing Journey

In the second video, "I just wrote my sixth book and here's everything I learned ✍️ (& meet my new puppy!)," the author shares valuable lessons learned throughout their writing journey and introduces their new furry friend.

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