
Humility and Connection in Business: Insights from Tradition

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Chapter 1: The Essence of Humility

In the words of the classic Japanese text, the Tale of the Heike, "The sound of the Gion Shōja bells echoes the impermanence of all things." This profound wisdom captures the essence of life, a sentiment shared widely across Japanese culture. As I navigated my journey through the business world, the significance of these words resonated deeply within me.

I had the honor of meeting a prominent business figure I had long admired. However, the encounter was disheartening. His focus was solely on his company's achievements. "Our stock price is soaring," he proclaimed, "and we're leading the market with our latest product." I remained silent, but internally I questioned his priorities.

His written works celebrated the value of employees and customers, leading me to believe he genuinely understood human connection. Yet, in person, he seemed consumed by his own success. This experience made me reflect on the lesson that "the arrogant do not long endure."

Perhaps success can blind us to the world around us. This realization struck me as a lonely existence.

My friend, who owns a local factory, holds an open house each year, inviting the community to witness his work. The joy he derives from the twinkling eyes of visitors, regardless of age, speaks volumes. "It's the joy on their faces that brings me happiness," he shared, emphasizing his humility over personal accolades. Such individuals are less likely to fall into arrogance.

I aspire to embody this mindset in my career—not to seek personal gain, but to touch the lives of others. Yet, as humans, we often default to self-centeredness. I found myself boasting about a recent deal, only to feel a twinge of shame afterward. Wasn't that a form of arrogance?

Reflecting on a previous boss, who led a major company yet dressed modestly and took the train to work, I recalled a moment when he expressed concern for my well-being. His attentiveness and humility stood out, contrasting with the common pitfalls of success.

As I delve deeper into the tea ceremony, I experience a unique tranquility. The harmonious blend of sounds, aromas, and the presence of guests creates a moment where my worries fade away. This practice fosters genuine respect and connection with others.

However, once the tea gathering concludes, I return to the complexities of everyday interactions, where disagreements may arise. Yet, the memories of shared moments linger, reminding me of the power of connection.

Thus, the idea that "the arrogant do not long endure" transforms from a warning into a hopeful reminder. Eventually, individuals recognize their limits and the importance of community support.

I strive to intertwine my work and personal life, prioritizing the well-being of others over my status. This perspective might be the true measure of success.

While I may falter, I am committed to maintaining humility and resisting the allure of arrogance. Through our connections, we can face any challenges together.

In the spirit of "ichi go ichi e," or "one chance in a lifetime," I aim to navigate the business realm with the same grace I find in the tea room. This approach will allow me to flourish without arrogance, embracing confidence instead.

These reflections arose in the serene environment of the tea room, where my biggest concern was whether I could rise after sitting in seiza for so long. Perhaps this too is a gentle reminder from the tea gods to remain humble.

Humility and Connection in Business

Chapter 2: Insights on Humility and Connection

The first video, "How Love and Humility are Connected," explores the deep relationship between these two concepts and their impact on personal and professional life. It emphasizes that true love fosters humility, creating deeper connections.

The second video, "YOR CA We are Human: Cultural Identity, Humility, and Connection," delves into how cultural identity shapes our understanding of humility and the importance of fostering genuine connections in a diverse world.

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