
Empowering Silence: Lessons from the Deaf and Mute Experience

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Chapter 1: The Healing of Silence

During today's church service, we reflected on the biblical account of Christ healing a deaf and mute man. While this meditation may not be strictly religious, it draws valuable insights from religious narratives that can resonate with everyone.

In Mark 7:31–37, we find a deaf and mute individual brought before Jesus. The crowd implores Him to heal the man, and after taking him aside to a more private setting, Christ performs the miracle—granting him the ability to hear and speak.

How frequently do we fail to listen?

How often do we remain silent?

Or more importantly:

How often do we actively choose not to listen?

How often do we intentionally refrain from speaking out?

There are numerous instances in our lives when we opt to ignore others, even when they offer guidance or advice—often because of our disdain or prejudgment towards them.

Moreover, there are even more moments when we choose silence in the face of injustice. Perhaps you witness friends bullying someone at school, or you might find yourself on a subway as a threatening individual harasses another passenger—yet everyone remains quiet.

In both scenarios, the answer is clear:


Courage is rare, yet it is essential that we cultivate it within ourselves during these times of willful ignorance and silence. We must set aside our potentially flawed judgments of others and consider, “What can I learn from this person?” We need to overcome our fear of backlash from peers or strangers and take a stand when we see bullying or wrongdoing.

Ultimately, we encounter daily chances to exhibit bravery and advocate for ourselves. While you may be mistaken or face consequences for your actions, failing to listen or speak out leads only to self-reproach—these are the very moments that keep us awake at night, burdened by regret.

Be courageous! Listen! Speak!

The first video explores the unique experience of baking through the lens of those who are blind, deaf, and mute, showcasing their remarkable talents and resilience.

The second video offers a glimpse into the world of individuals who navigate life without the ability to see or hear, inspiring us with their creativity and determination.

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These meditations are excerpts from my upcoming book, “YouDaimonia: the Philosophy of Human Flourishing.”

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