
Embracing Timelessness: Discovering the Depths of Your Being

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Chapter 1: The Journey of Spiritual Awakening

For over twenty years, I have traversed the spiritual path, a journey full of unexpected transformations and insights. I never anticipated how deeply life could awaken me to its underlying truths. This awakening was indeed overwhelming, reshaping my perception of existence.

The pivotal moment came when I redirected my focus inward, moving away from external distractions. A recent profound realization has been the understanding of timelessness, particularly how our perception of time shifts with our emotional state.

Have you noticed that time seems to rush by when you're joyful, yet drags on painfully during distress? My experiences have led me to conclude that time is merely a construct of the mind and body. Once we transcend this duality, the concept of time begins to dissolve.

This notion may appear complex, but let's break it down. Many individuals identify strongly with their physical and mental selves, defining their reality through this lens. When disturbances affect our mind or body, we feel unrest. Our emotions fluctuate, and we cling to hopes and memories. In this state of being, time is undeniably present.

Living as humans, we inevitably experience the passage of time—our bodies age, we encounter illnesses, and memories of the past and future ambitions illustrate this reality. However, we also enter states of timelessness every day, often without recognition.

Take sleep, for instance. While you can easily recall the time you woke up, no one can pinpoint the exact moment they fell asleep. You might check the clock before bed but lose awareness of time as you drift off. For those struggling with sleep, each minute can feel interminable. Yet, when you are truly at rest, time seems to vanish entirely.

In sleep, the sense of self dissipates—the body is at ease, the mind quiet, and there are no thoughts of planning, aging, or future concerns. The essence of 'you' fades away, and with it, the concept of time.

Meditation offers a conscious experience of this timelessness. In profound states of meditation, both the mind and body relax, leading to the cessation of time. I have encountered this timelessness countless times during my practice.

In earlier meditation sessions, I was oblivious to time passing, with the only cues being physical sensations or needs. I would often lose track of hours, especially during long meditation sessions. Recently, however, I've noticed a significant shift within me that prompted this reflection.

Now, I meditate in a comfortable chair, which helps me avoid physical distractions. Upon closing my eyes, I feel an immediate sense of disappearance—both body and mind fade away. When I eventually open my eyes, I feel rejuvenated, as though I’ve awakened from a deep slumber.

A few days ago, after a session of meditation, I felt as if I had overslept. My eyes remained shut, and I assumed I had missed my morning routine. In reality, I had only been meditating for twenty minutes, yet it felt as refreshing as a full night’s rest.

This experience made me ponder why time feels absent in such moments. We usually register time through bodily changes and mental memories. However, during sleep (an unconscious state) or meditation (a conscious state), there is no observer to mark the passage of time. The dense sensations of the body and the restless mind disappear, leading to a state devoid of time.

Reaching this state may seem daunting, particularly during periods of inner turmoil. Yet, we access this timelessness each night in sleep; we simply lack awareness of it. Through meditation, we can consciously tap into these depths.

The essence of meditation is to ground you in your true self. Some may hesitate at the mention of meditation, so let’s call it simply ‘sitting with closed eyes.’ This quiet moment can be the beginning of transformation.

Start by dedicating a few minutes each day to this practice. Initially, it may be challenging as various thoughts and emotions arise, but do not let them intimidate you. These feelings are often repressed and are seeking release, not to disturb you.

Begin this journey with commitment. Gradually, you will peel away layers of unconsciousness, guiding you to the core of your being. Ultimately, you will discover that the peace and fulfillment you seek lie within you.

Explore the beauty of timelessness, truth, and deep spirituality in this enlightening video.

Chapter 2: The Practice of Nonlinearity

Timelessness is not merely a concept; it's a state we can experience. The Crow's teachings illustrate the nonlinear aspects of our existence within the Divine Feminine.

Discover the Crow practice that embodies the essence of nonlinearity and timelessness in the Divine Feminine.

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