
Embracing Mindfulness for a Fulfilling Old Age Journey

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Chapter 1: The Joy of Aging

As I navigate my later years, my journey has seamlessly evolved from meditation to writing and self-acceptance, and it continues to improve.


You may find it hard to believe that your 70s can be the most thrilling and creative time of your life, but it's true. Speaking from personal experience, my old age hasn't been a decline; rather, it has been a period of ongoing learning, development, and transformation. I understand that as long as I breathe, this journey can persist.

There’s always something new to explore. For example, I was recently approached by someone with a podcast focused on aging who wanted to interview me. Despite my initial hesitation due to lack of experience, I accepted the opportunity. More on that later.

Saying yes to life opens the door to countless possibilities. My transformations weren't meticulously planned; they naturally unfolded through my meditation practice, leading me to write about my experiences, ultimately inspiring me to share the joys and surprises that accompany full acceptance of my age.


I have come to embrace my identity as an older man, recognizing that aging is a positive aspect of life. It’s an inevitable reality. Regardless of your age, you are exactly where you are meant to be. Acceptance is key, and enjoying the journey is paramount.

As Jon Kabat-Zinn eloquently stated, "Wherever you go, there you are." Whether your life is filled with joy or challenges, acceptance allows you to move forward. The most crucial question to ponder is, "Now what?"

I could have approached my old age with the mindset that I was past my prime, waiting for the end to arrive while distracting myself with Netflix and wine. Many people accept this grim narrative when they are young, carrying it into their later years as if it were a foregone conclusion—but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Research indicates that individuals who maintain a positive outlook on aging tend to live, on average, an additional 7.5 years compared to those with a negative perspective. Cultivating a positive view of aging not only promotes health but also extends life.

Before entering my 70s, I had already chosen to adopt a positive perspective. Perhaps it’s luck, but optimism has become my natural state. I prefer the company of optimistic individuals, so I have committed to embodying that positivity.

Aging is not a disease; rather, it’s a natural phase of life—similar to the way leaves change color or hair turns gray. How did I cultivate this positive attitude towards aging? Meditation played a pivotal role in liberating me from negative thoughts and reshaping my perception, transforming me into a hopeful individual who consistently asks, "Now what?"

Meditation has shown me that the true purpose of this practice extends beyond stress reduction or tranquility; while these are beneficial byproducts, the essence of meditation lies in personal transformation. My journey has not led to the enlightenment I once envisioned; rather, it has resulted in tangible changes in my daily existence.

Three years ago, I committed to meditating for thirty minutes each day—an achievable goal by Buddhist standards. This practice initiated my exploration of writing, self-acceptance, and an engaging, creative approach to aging.

"The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet."

— Tao Te Ching

Through meditation, I transitioned from a life dominated by thoughts to one grounded in the present moment. I realized, "I’m aging, and I cannot halt time or erase my wrinkles. So, 'Now what?'"


From an early age, writing has been a passion of mine. As a child, I devoured comics and stories about iconic figures like Davy Crockett and Annie Oakley, eventually progressing to the works of authors like Ernest Hemingway and J.D. Salinger. Discovering "The Catcher in the Rye" was transformative; I read and reread it until the pages fell apart, fueled by the desire to create something that could impact others as it had impacted me.

Yet, fear held me back, turning my writer's block into an insurmountable barrier. Through meditation, I learned that I didn’t need to climb that mountain; I could simply walk through it. What I perceived as a mountain was merely a thought. By quieting my mind during meditation, I overcame my fears and began to express myself through writing.

Initially, I focused on what I knew best: meditation and mindfulness. Although my novice writing skills were limited, it marked a significant beginning. After two years, my writing improved, and I discovered my authentic voice. While I was honing my writing skills, I had yet to uncover my true purpose.

How do you discover your life purpose? The Needle in A Haystack

I once encountered an article titled "5 Ways To Find Your Life Purpose Quickly." It made me chuckle. The truth is, there's only one way to uncover your life purpose—by living wholeheartedly. Following your heart, rather than relying on life hacks or logical approaches, will lead you to your purpose.

Searching for your life purpose using logic is like trying to find a needle in a field of haystacks; all you’ll learn is that your life purpose is to sort through hay.

Decades ago, long before I began meditating or reading the Tao Te Ching, I encountered a quote that deeply resonated with me: "The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet." Even as a Buddhist, the Tao Te Ching holds a vital place in my personal philosophy. Its wisdom reflects my journey through aging and my aspirations for the future.

The Tao Te Ching is the Occam's razor of wisdom literature:

  • What is rooted is easy to nourish.
  • What is recent is easy to correct.
  • What is brittle is easy to break.
  • What is small is easy to scatter.
  • Prevent trouble before it arises.
  • Organize before things exist.
  • The giant pine tree grows from a tiny sprout.
  • The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet.

Now what?

Just two weeks ago, I was contacted by two individuals from Toronto launching a website on healthy aging. They had been reading my work on Crow's Feet and wished to interview me for their podcast. My initial reaction was to decline, but my heart urged me to accept. Despite my self-doubt, I eventually agreed, believing in the value of my writing.

The interview proved to be enjoyable. The host, an experienced journalist, engaged me in conversation about meditation, writing, and aging. The anxiety I felt beforehand disappeared the moment we began. I realized I wanted to do more of this.

I have discovered my purpose: to write about mindfulness and meditation for older individuals. I will continue writing on platforms like Medium and Crow's Feet, and I'm open to future opportunities, including more podcast appearances.

Ultimately, I will always cherish what ignited this journey: meditation and the mindfulness that calmed my thoughts. A tumultuous mind results in a conflicted life, while a tranquil mind has ushered in a quality of life I never imagined possible in my youth. When the mind is serene, wisdom has the opportunity to surface.

Regardless of your age, challenges and opportunities will always be present. When they arise, take a moment to pause, breathe, meditate, or take a walk. Quiet your mind, listen intently, and once clarity emerges, ask, "Now what?" and take action.

I wish for your life to continually improve.


April 2024

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Chapter 2: The Power of Mindfulness in Life

In this thought-provoking video, Prof. Ellen Langer discusses the correlation between mindfulness and the enhancement of aging and longevity, suggesting that a mindful approach may hold the key to a vibrant later life.

Chapter 3: Discovering Mindfulness Benefits

This insightful video reveals unexpected advantages of practicing mindfulness, showcasing how simple techniques can lead to profound personal transformations.

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