
Unlocking the Easiest Path to Earning Money Through Writing

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Chapter 1: The Simplicity of Making Money Writing

I used to feel overwhelmed by the complexity of starting a writing career. I consumed countless articles promising quick riches, like "make $10k in 3 minutes," and devised an intricate plan to monetize my writing. I had strategies for content creation, audience engagement, and repurposing material. However, none of it was effective.

I found myself exhausted, trying to balance all these strategies alongside my full-time job, charity work, and managing a property business. I needed a more straightforward approach. Then, I discovered one that anyone can implement.

Since beginning my writing journey in January 2023, I anticipate earning $2,500 this month alone as side income. With no formal training in writing, if I can achieve this, so can anyone else.

To get started on your own writing venture, follow these three essential steps:

  1. Master One Platform

    Choose a single platform to focus your writing efforts. Understand its community and what resonates with readers. This doesn't have to be complicated; successful writers often share their tips. Look at what they do and emulate their approach. I decided on Medium, but you could also opt for platforms like X, LinkedIn, or Quora.

Concentrate on one platform. While repurposing content might seem smart, it can be distracting. Spreading your content too thinly across various platforms can dilute your focus. Each platform has its own nuances, even if they appear similar (for example, X versus LinkedIn).

So, hone in on these three actions:

  • Cultivate Your Voice

    Determine the type of writer you want to be. This is revealed through the act of writing rather than endless contemplation. Your style will emerge as you write.

There are three main writing styles:

  • Entertainer
  • Inspirational
  • Educator

Most writers blend elements of all three, but your unique combination is what sets you apart. You might focus predominantly on entertainment while sprinkling in some educational tips or motivation.

  • Experiment with Your Content

    New writers often feel anxious, but social media is a perfect arena for testing ideas. Treat each post as an experiment. Quick feedback is invaluable. Find the balance between what readers appreciate and what you enjoy writing about. This will help you build a portfolio and refine your skills—there’s no failure, only learning.

  • Cultivate a Following

    While follower numbers matter, they aren’t crucial in the way you might think. For instance, I have over 8,500 followers, but not all of them engage with my content. They clicked "follow" because they liked something I posted. This social proof provides credibility.

Growth in followers indicates that your content resonates, but don’t overemphasize its importance. The real value lies in the next section. Your social media posts are just the beginning.

Once you gain traction, it's time for step two.

  1. Expand Your Tribe

    Building an email list is vital for monetizing your writing.

The number of subscribers is the strongest predictor of your potential success. Many top creators generate little income directly from social media; instead, they profit through the intimacy of email communication.

It might be hard to believe, but those engaging with your posts may not be your true supporters. It's your subscribers who have opted in to hear from you regularly. They respect your work and are more likely to purchase from you.

In just nine months, I have grown my newsletter to 1,838 subscribers with a 48% open rate. Here’s what worked for me:

  • Create a Valuable Lead Magnet

    Avoid the common mistake of offering a low-quality giveaway. Instead, focus on crafting a lead magnet that impresses potential subscribers. Make it so good that people would consider paying for it.

  • Deliver Consistent Quality Content

    Building trust takes time. Ensure your emails are consistently valuable and engaging. Choose a strategy that aligns with your income goals. If sponsorships and ads are your main revenue sources, a curated approach may work. However, if you aim to sell products or services, prioritize high-quality content to build your credibility.

My weekly emails are around 700 words, providing useful insights without overwhelming my readers.

  1. Begin Earning Money

    Recently, I made $732 from just 17 minutes of work by promoting a top writer’s course via an affiliate link.

An engaged email list acts like an ATM for cash flow; you can generate income whenever you desire by incorporating sponsorships, affiliate links, or promoting your products. There are numerous ways to monetize once you’ve earned your audience's trust.

This year, I secured seven coaching clients by simply including a line in my emails offering one-on-one assistance. My Headline Toolkit course has earned $2,700 in two months, all thanks to my email list.

However, tread carefully—every sales pitch can erode trust. Balance your sales with free assistance, nurturing your audience’s relationship. Aim for a ratio of four helpful messages for every sales pitch.

Remember, you don't need to have everything figured out from the start. You will learn and grow along the way. Following these three steps will keep you on the right path.

Take it step by step:

  • Write to explore ideas, build momentum, and receive feedback.
  • After 3-6 months, launch a newsletter and grow your email list.
  • 6-12 months later, start implementing monetization strategies.

The easiest way to expand your audience and income is to adhere to the "rule of one": write about one specific topic, for one audience, on one platform.

By doing this, you’ll cultivate a devoted readership and establish a successful writing business within a year.

It’s not as complex as it seems. In just seven months, I gained 7,000 followers and now earn $850 a month on Medium. If you're interested in my writing strategies, join 1,296 other writers by signing up for my free course:

The first video titled "7 Ways To Make Money Online As A Writer" provides actionable insights on how to start generating income through your writing skills.

The second video, "5 Easy Ways To Make Money Writing on the Internet in 2023," offers practical tips for writers looking to monetize their craft effectively.

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