
# Discovering Your Ideal Day: Grading Your Daily Experiences

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Understanding the Ingredients of Your Ideal Day

Have you ever wondered what elements contribute to an exceptional day? Imagine being able to assess your days on a scale from 1 to 10.

Visual representation of daily grading

Generated with Midjourney

What would a perfect 10/10 day entail? It’s a day where you not only enjoy your activities as they happen but also feel a deep sense of satisfaction afterward. However, determining this isn’t as simple as it may appear...

To uncover what makes my days truly enjoyable, I began to rate each day on a scale of 1 to 10. This straightforward yet impactful habit has provided me with valuable insights into what brings me joy and fulfillment.

You might wonder if such a system is inherently subjective. How can a number truly encapsulate the quality of a day?

Indeed, it is subjective, which is precisely what makes it valuable! My goal is not to discover an objective truth; rather, I aim to attune myself to my feelings and the patterns that emerge.

Grading My Days: A Simple Habit

Each night, just before I drift off to sleep, I take a moment to reflect on my day. I jot down what I accomplished and then rate my experience on a scale from 1 to 10 based on how I felt.

I don’t overanalyze; I trust my instincts. Some days may earn a solid 8/10, while others might hover around 4 or 5.

Initially, my ratings may seem arbitrary, but after a week or two, I find that my evaluations become more calibrated.

As time goes by, I’ve noticed several trends:

  • Days that involve connecting with certain friends tend to receive higher scores, indicating the importance of those relationships for my well-being.
  • Time spent in nature consistently earns high marks, highlighting how being outdoors boosts my mood more than I had previously realized.
  • Days filled with fast food never score particularly well. While indulging in cheat meals feels great at the moment, the satisfaction is fleeting. It seems I often opt for these meals to compensate for an already lackluster day, which only worsens after the meal.
  • Interestingly, not all days off rate as a perfect 10. I’ve discovered that relaxing beach days often score lower than active, adventurous ones—an insight that will definitely influence my future travel plans.

Embracing Imperfection in the Grading System

Your insights might differ entirely. You may find that days when your partner is out with friends are the ones you cherish most, or that a fresh haircut provides a happiness boost that lingers for days.

Yet, is it truly the haircut that elevates your mood, or is it that you tend to schedule haircuts before exciting events?

Ultimately, you may never know definitively. This is why this simple, subjective, and imperfect grading system resonates with me.

Even if the conclusions drawn are merely personal interpretations, the placebo effect can still take hold. If you believe that a haircut enhances your mood based on your grading, then the next time you get one, it might indeed yield the positive outcome you anticipated.

This approach serves as a personal experiment where you are both the participant and the observer. You’ll uncover which activities, relationships, or environments correlate with higher scores and greater fulfillment, allowing you to consciously shape your life to include more of those elements.

For me, this 1-10 grading system strikes a balance between capturing enough nuance and remaining straightforward enough for sustainable long-term use.

Instant Gratification vs. Lasting Fulfillment

Another intriguing aspect of my grading system is how it reveals the transience of certain pleasures. Some activities, like lounging on the beach all day, seem wonderful in the moment, but reflecting on them later exposes their temporary satisfaction.

Conversely, experiences that are challenging in the moment, such as engaging in difficult conversations or pushing my physical limits, often result in deeper, more enduring fulfillment. Although these moments may not be enjoyable at the time, they leave lasting impressions that contribute to long-term happiness.

By evaluating my days retrospectively, I am motivated to engage in activities that provide compounding satisfaction, steering clear of fleeting pleasures that vanish as soon as the moment ends. The grading scale encourages me to seek out the deeper, more lasting sources of fulfillment in my life.

Try It for Yourself!

I encourage you to give this a shot! Rate each day right before bed. Initially, it may feel strange, but soon you’ll begin to see patterns emerge.

What are the subtle influences that uplift your mood versus those that drain your energy?

You will discover what works for you.

Thank you for reading,


If you are interested in a deeper dive into habit tracking and data analysis, check out this insightful article I discovered. It elevates habit tracking to an entirely new level!

My Life Stats: I Tracked My Habits for a Year, and This Is What I Learned

I measured the time I spent on my daily activities (studying, doing sports, socializing, sleeping…) for 332 days in a…


Chapter 2: Skincare Insights and Routines

In this video, a dermatologist shares the optimal sequence for applying skincare products during your nighttime routine, helping you maximize their benefits.

This video discusses the crucial information about redness and rosacea, along with the best skincare ingredients to incorporate into your routine for improved skin health.

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