
Discovering Your Ideal Side Hustle: A Simple Guiding Question

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Chapter 1: The Unlikely Origins of a Tech Legend

In the bustling environment of San Jose during the 60s and 70s, Steve Wozniak was not the only electronics enthusiast. In fact, it’s debatable whether he was even the most talented.

During his high school years, Wozniak faced suspension for crafting a metronome that imitated the sound of a ticking bomb. He cleverly concealed this device in a locker, rigging it to tick faster when someone opened the door. This prank led to the principal discovering the device on the football field, and a student heroically transported it to safety to avoid potential chaos.

While Wozniak found humor in the situation, the police responded by placing him in juvenile detention as a lesson. Even behind bars, he managed to entertain his fellow inmates by teaching them how to rewire ceiling fans to disrupt the Warden's office lights.

The takeaway? Wozniak was not a child prodigy but rather someone with a profound passion for electronics. He engaged in tinkering far more than the average person. This passion ultimately led him to co-found Apple Computer with Steve Jobs, all while maintaining a full-time position at HP. It's safe to say that this venture stands as one of the most successful side hustles in history.

His journey underscores a common misunderstanding about side hustles: it’s not necessarily about being the best at something; it’s about dedicating time and effort to what you enjoy most.

Section 1.1: Overthinking Your Side Hustle

Reflecting on my own search for a side hustle in 2020, I realized I was trapped in the mindset that one could only monetize their expertise.

I considered my strengths—cold calling, for example—wondering if I could create a sales training course. I also toyed with the idea of offering golf lessons, as I was fairly good at the sport. However, the thought of spending my leisure time on more sales-related activities made me feel uneasy.

This revelation about side hustles is crucial: they must stem from genuine passion; otherwise, sustaining them for long will be a challenge. I shifted my approach and began asking myself, "What am I already doing more than most people?"

The answer was immediate: I read voraciously. Whether it’s biographies, business literature, historical texts, or classical fiction, reading has always been my greatest joy. For me, nothing compares to savoring a rich coffee while diving into a Steve Jobs biography.

If reading is your forte, consider writing as a potential way to monetize it.

Subsection 1.1.1: A Life Hack to Elevate Your Interests

James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, offers a compelling insight:

"Every action you take is like casting a vote towards the person you ultimately want to become."

Similarly, the stoic philosopher Epictetus remarked:

"You become what you give your attention to."

I unknowingly applied their principles in my life. By publicly identifying as a writer before even publishing my first article, I set myself on a path to success. Now, I have over 150 articles to my name.

What did this self-proclamation achieve?

  1. It encouraged me to establish habits that aligned with my newfound identity as a writer.
  2. It introduced a social element of accountability; I updated my LinkedIn and Instagram profiles to include the term "writer." Imagine the embarrassment if I abandoned this pursuit!

By adopting the identity of someone you aspire to become, you naturally start to focus on it. This will lead you to invest more time in that area, eventually surpassing others.

Section 1.2: Finding Joy in Your Side Hustle

A side hustle should never feel like a chore. It ought to be an enjoyable endeavor, something you would choose to engage in outside of your regular 9–5 job.

This is exactly what Wozniak experienced: he found immense joy in building technology with his closest friend. Many individuals yearn for a rewarding side hustle but often struggle with where to begin.

If this resonates with you, take a moment to reflect on how you spend your free time. What activities do you engage in more than anyone else? This insight could very well guide you toward your ideal side hustle.

Chapter 2: Learning from Others' Experiences

In the video "Asking College Students What Their Side Hustle Is," students share their experiences and thoughts on side hustles, offering valuable perspectives on this modern phenomenon.

In "The Ultimate Guide to Picking YOUR Dream Job," viewers gain insights into choosing fulfilling career paths, highlighting the importance of aligning passion with profession.

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