
Building a Business That Supports Your Life: A New Perspective

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Chapter 1: Embracing a Life-Centric Business Model

Is it feasible to create a business that complements your life? Establishing a venture that serves you is fundamental to achieving happiness and satisfaction, and it may be more attainable than you realize.

Lately, I've spent considerable time on business Twitter, and it's quite possibly the most toxic environment I’ve encountered. The prevailing "boss babe" mentality is pervasive, where even taking a moment to step outside and enjoy fresh air invites criticism for taking time off.

Indeed, launching your own business and embarking on a solo journey is no small feat—it demands significant effort and dedication. Having been through this experience multiple times, I genuinely respect anyone who has persevered to reach this stage. However, I'm weary of the hustle culture that glorifies working around the clock and sacrificing personal well-being in pursuit of wealth or influencer status.

The Road to Nowhere

In 2019, I left university with dreams of exploring the globe. When that didn't materialize, I transitioned into starting my own business. However, when COVID struck, I had to pivot and accept my first full-time office position as an SEO Executive. Although the title sounds impressive, the reality was quite the opposite.

I found it challenging to adapt from having full control over my schedule and income to being under someone else's directives regarding my tasks and earnings. To make matters worse, my concerns were often dismissed. While I had a steady paycheck and stability—without harassment or excessive overtime—the concept of trading my time for money felt fundamentally wrong.

I felt ensnared, as if I were driving down a never-ending road with no exits. I was suffocating. Just six months into the job, I began planning my escape, and six months later, I left to work online part-time as a freelance writer.

Although my income has consistently exceeded what I earned in full-time employment, I've discovered something far more valuable than money: the freedom to shape a business that aligns with my life, rather than one where I merely exchange time for income.

Boss Babe? No Thanks

Switching to a per-project payment model revolutionized my approach. It enabled me to earn more while working less, allowing me to focus on activities that invigorate me rather than drain my energy.

When you create space in your life for the things you genuinely love, the sense of fulfillment and rest you experience is unparalleled. For me, this represents the ideal lifestyle—one that allows me to engage in activities that enrich my life while still earning a comfortable living.

This isn’t just my dream; it’s also a lucrative approach. The more hours you invest in work, the less time you have for other pursuits. This often leads to a fight-or-flight mentality, where you push yourself to extremes, neglecting pleasure and ultimately compromising your well-being.

In this state, enjoying life to its fullest becomes impossible. Not only is that unfulfilling, but it can also lead to burnout. The relentless hustle mentality is unsustainable. Eventually, your body and mind will rebel against this relentless pace, manifesting as stress, anxiety, or physical ailments.

At some point, you must ask yourself: what is the purpose of it all? Is life meant solely for work, or is work merely a tool to help you live fully? If you allowed yourself time to relish activities that bring you joy, even briefly stepping away from your business, you would recharge and return with renewed vigor.

Rest Is Not a Reward

As a solopreneur or entrepreneur, engaging in enjoyable activities is essential for success—it shouldn't be viewed as a privilege earned through hard work. It’s a necessity for your well-being, and there’s no reason to feel guilty about that.

If you’re burdened with guilt, true rest becomes elusive. Even when you do manage to take a break, your mind may continue to race. Guilt can consume you, transforming moments of potential relaxation into anxiety, which is counterproductive and detrimental to your mental health.

Instead of framing rest as a reward, recognize it as a vital source of energy—a crucial element that empowers you to be your best self daily.

Redesigning Your Life

Creating a business that harmonizes with your life is entirely possible. The digital landscape offers numerous pathways to achieve this. However, none of these options are shortcuts to instant wealth or guaranteed transformations. Redesigning your life requires time, dedication, and a deep understanding of what truly works for you.

Embarking on this journey of self-discovery will illuminate the activities that energize you and help you strategize how to achieve your aspirations. If you, like me, feel confined in a work-centric existence, dedicate time for introspection. This could involve journaling, mind-mapping, or simply spending time in nature.

Over the upcoming weeks, focus on:

  • Identifying what energizes you
  • Recognizing monetizable skills
  • Exploring ways to turn these into services

Don't rush this process. These initial steps are pivotal for your future. Start gently, allowing yourself the necessary space to breathe and appreciate the journey.

Final Thoughts: My Concerns with Twitter

It's worth noting that the more hours you commit to work, the more likely you are to feel compelled to invest in courses offered by flashy business coaches on Twitter. This often parallels the experience of trading time for money in a traditional job. Ultimately, the focus becomes more about benefiting someone else—so be cautious about whom you place your trust in.

Chapter 2: Finding Balance in the Hustle

Video Description: Discover strategies for creating a business that prioritizes your life and values, ultimately leading to fulfillment.

Chapter 3: Crafting a Life-First Approach

Video Description: Learn the importance of building a life-centric business that allows for enjoyment and balance while achieving your goals.

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