
Achieving Your Dreams: My Journey from Insecurity to Success

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Chapter 1: The Beginning of My Journey

Have you ever pondered the journey behind a simple piece of metal? The photograph below showcases a metal component that I crafted with my own hands. Let me share the story of how I accomplished this.

Crafted metal piece representing personal growth

Upon my arrival in Australia, my aspiration was to elevate my career in engineering. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic forced me to pivot from aviation and start anew in the manufacturing sector. The transition was challenging, but my determination to grow led me to make unexpected choices.

Securing my first job was no easy feat, yet I succeeded. I applied for a machinist role despite lacking experience. It may have seemed reckless, but life has a way of surprising you. The factory supervisor reached out, and while I couldn’t land the machinist position, he offered me a role as a factory assistant. Without a second thought, I accepted.

On my first day, I felt a wave of excitement; I was finally earning an income after a difficult migration. However, that enthusiasm soon gave way to anxiety. Being in a factory with no prior experience left me feeling inadequate. I was surrounded by seasoned machinists, and I barely knew how to operate a drill. Each task filled me with uncertainty, fearing I would embarrass myself.

I vividly recall one particular incident. While drilling a painted metal wall, I accidentally slipped, leaving a noticeable scratch. Thankfully, the painter was understanding and rectified my mistake. Although I felt embarrassed, my father's words echoed in my mind: “No one is born knowing.” I held onto that belief, convinced that improvement was within reach.

As months passed, I began to find my footing. My mistakes occurred less frequently, and gradually, my confidence grew. Interestingly, instead of feeling motivated, I found myself becoming disheartened. I had initially been driven by overcoming challenges, and as they diminished in size, I sensed something was missing. This realization prompted me to seek a new job that would present greater challenges.

When the Wind Shifted in My Favor

Fortune smiled upon me once more. I secured a position at a different company that genuinely recognized my abilities. There, I crafted my first products for the automotive sector and began operating a CNC machine, which initially frustrated me. However, with persistence and practice, I eventually mastered it.

Fast forward two and a half years, and I sought another career advancement. This quest led me to my current role, where I not only operate a CNC machine but also program it to create parts that often seem impossible to manufacture.

Although it has only been three months since I joined this company, I still feel like a novice, reminiscent of that first day as an assistant. When presented with the design for the metal piece in the photograph, old frustrations resurfaced, and doubts crept in. Would I be capable of creating it? This time, however, I recognized that my experience and knowledge equipped me for the task.

With careful calculations and thoughtful consideration of each step, I began the process. I experimented with various approaches until, at last, I succeeded. In my hands was a metal piece destined to become part of a machine—something tangible that I had created. If someone had shown me this piece a few years ago, I would have doubted my ability to produce it.

In life, we often encounter goals or challenges that seem unattainable. We drown in self-doubt, believing we lack the necessary skills to achieve them. Yet, upon reflection, we may discover that we already possess the knowledge, energy, and resources needed. The key lies in looking beyond our perceived limitations and daring to try, even when we feel unprepared.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story! If you found this personal essay inspiring, consider subscribing to Monochromatic Publication for more of my writing delivered straight to your inbox.

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Photo by Bhaumik Shrivastava on Unsplash

Chapter 2: Find Your Motivation

In this chapter, we explore how to achieve your desires and goals through motivation and resilience.

The first video, titled "How to Achieve What You Desire to Have," delves into practical strategies for reaching your goals.

The second video, "Tony Robbins Motivation - Three Steps to Achieve Anything You Desire," outlines essential steps to help you overcome obstacles and achieve success.

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